Managing CSV Export Jobs
You can view the list of CSV export operations using the CSV Job Manager.
From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar. In the CSV Job Manager wizard, click CSV Export.
Grid Manager displays the following information:
User Name: The admin user who submitted the CSV export. Only superusers can view this column.
Status: The current status of the export job. The CSV export process runs in an asynchronous mode similar to the CSV import. The status can be one of the following:
Export pending: The job is in queue for execution.
Export running: The job is being executed.
Export stopped: The job has been stopped. You can select the job and restart the export.
Export completed: The export is completed without errors. Check the Message field for information about the export.
Export failed: The export is completed, but with errors. Check the Message field for information about the error message.
Submitted: The timestamp when the job was submitted.
Completed: The timestamp when the job was completed. This field is blank if the job has not been completed yet.
Failed Description: The appliance displays the error message in the Failed Description column if the CSV export fails. You cannot start a failed CSV export task.
File Size: The size of the generated CSV file.
Completed CSV export jobs are deleted 30 days from the date of submission. You can also perform the following operations:
Select a completed CSV export task and download the exported file.
Cancel or stop a pending CSV export task using the Delete option.
Purge all export tasks after an upgrade or restore.
Start a new global CSV export job.