DTC Header Items

DTC Header Items

This topic lists all the DTC objects whose names start with "dtc". These objects are displayed as DtcLbdn, DtcServer, and so on in the CSV export or import file. The object DtcCertificate supports only CSV export, whereas other objects support CSV import and export. For details, see the following sections:

DtcLbdn Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

name* StringYesload_bal

patternsList of stringsNo .domain.com, .test.com'patternsValid value is an array of FQDN patterns in string format
disabled BooleanNofalsedisabled
commentStringNoA DTC LBDN commentcomment
persistenceUnsigned integer No5persistenceZero specifies no caching
ttlUnsigned integerNo10ttl
poolsLBDN linked list of poolsNopool/ratio eg: "pool1/1,pool2/10...pools
auth_zonesLBDN linked list of auth zonesNo

Must be in the zone_name/view_name format. For example:

authzone1.com/view1, authzone2.com/view2...

auth_zonesList of DTC LBDN linked authoritative zones
typesStringNoNAPTRtypesValid values are 'A', 'AAA', 'NAPTR', 'CNAME'
priorityUnsigned integerNo3priorityValid values between 1 and 3. The default is 3.
EA-Site StringNoSan Jose

DtcServer Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

name* StringYesserver1name
host* StringYes192.168.1.2hostAddress or FQDN of a DTC server
disabled BooleanNofalsedisabled
commentStringNoA DTC server commentcomment
sni_hostname StringNosni-host.infoblox.localdomainsni_hostnameHost name for Server Network Indication to be used with the HTTPS monitor
monitorsList of DTC health monitors No

Monitor name/Monitor type/Host

For example: TCP-1/tcp/,SIP-1/sip/,

monitorsList of names of DTC server monitors
EA-SiteStringNoSan Jose

DtcPool Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

name* StringYespool1name
lb_preferred_method StringNoRATIOlb_preferred_methodValid values are 'ALL_AVAILABLE', 'DYNAMIC_RATIO', 'GLOBAL_AVAILABILITY', 'RATIO', 'ROUND_ROBIN',  'TOPOLOGY', and 'SOURCE_IP_HASH'
disabled BooleanNofalsedisabled
commentStringNoA DTC pool commentcomment
lb_preferred_topologyTopology rules for preferred 'TOPOLOGY' load balancing method Nocustom-2preferred_topology
lb_alternate_method StringNoRATIOalternate_methodAlternate load balancing method. Valid values are 'ALL_AVAILABLE', 'DYNAMIC_RATIO', 'NONE', 'GLOBAL_AVAILABILITY', 'RATIO', 'ROUND_ROBIN', 'TOPOLOGY' , and 'SOURCE_IP_HASH'.
lb_alternate_topology Topology rules for alternate 'TOPOLOGY' load balancing methodNocustom-3alternate_topology
availability StringNoanyavailability DTC pool resources availability status. Valid values are 'ALL', 'ANY', and 'QUORUM'.
quorum Unsigned integerNo20quorum The number of monitors that must report the resource as 'up' for 'QUORUM' availability mode to be available.
ttlUnsigned integerNo10ttl
serversList of DTC servers No


For example: dtc-server1/1,dtc-server2/10...

monitorsList of health monitors No

Monitor name/Monitor type

For example: ICMP-1/icmp,HTTP-1/http,...

monitorsList of names and monitor types of DTC pool monitors
dynamic_ratio_preferredPreferred dynamic ratio load balancing settingsNo

For example:

dynamic_ratio_preferred When preferred_method="DYNAMIC_RATIO"
dynamic_ratio_alternateAlternate dynamic ratio load balancing settings No


For example: MONITOR/snmp/.1.3/PRIORITY/false

dynamic_ratio_alternateWhen preferred_method="TOPOLOGY" and alternate_method="DYNAMIC_RATIO"
EA-Site StringNoSan Jose

DtcMonitorHttp Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment
Header-DtcMonitorHttp StringYesDtcMonitorHttp

name* StringYeshttp_monitor1name
commentStringNoA DTC HTTP monitor commentcomment
intervalUnsigned integerNo10interval
timeout Unsigned integerNo7timeoutValid values between 1 and 15
portUnsigned integerNo8080portValid values between 1 and 65535
requestStringNoGET /requestMaximum of 1024 characters
content_checkStringNoEXTRACTcontent_checkValid values are 'NONE'(default), 'MATCH', and 'EXTRACT'. If 'MATCH', then 'content_check_op' and 'content_check_regex' params are required; if 'EXTRACT' then ‘content_check_op’,’content_extract_type’, ‘content_extract_value’, and ’content_check_regex’ values are required.
content_check_input StringNoBODYcontent_check_input Valid values are 'HEADERS', 'ALL'(default) and 'BODY'
content_check_regexStringNoSQL Errorcontent_check_regex
content_check_opStringNoEQcontent_check_opValid values are 'EQ' and 'NEQ' for 'MATCH' content check, and 'EQ', 'NEQ', 'LEQ', and 'GEQ' for 'EXTRACT' content check type
content_extract_groupUnsigned integerNo3content_extract_groupValid values between 0 and 8. The default is 0.
content_extract_type StringNoINTEGERcontent_extract_type Valid values are 'INTEGER' and 'STRING'. The default is 'STRING'.
content_extract_valueStringNo1content_extract_valueA desired extraction value in string format
result StringNoCODE_ISresult Valid values are 'ANY', 'CODE_IS', and 'CODE_IS_NOT'
result_codeUnsigned integerNo300result_codeValid values between 0 and 999
secure BooleanNotruesecure Default is 'false'
client_cert Client certificateNo626596e ... 4362f80c (128 characters)client_cert Valid value is a DTC certificate object.
ciphers StringNoDHE-RSA-AES256-SHAciphers Valid value is array of ciphers in a string format
retry_up Unsigned integerNo3retry_up Valid values between 1 and 10
retry_downUnsigned integerNo3retry_downValid values between 1 and 10
validate_cert BooleanNofalsevalidate_cert Default is 'true'
enable_sni BooleanNotrueenable_sni Default is 'false'
EA-SiteStringNoSan Jose

DtcMonitorSip Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment
Header-DtcMonitorSip StringYesDtcMonitorSip

name* StringYessip_monitor1name
commentStringNoA DTC SIP monitor commentcomment
intervalUnsigned integerNo10interval
timeout Unsigned integerNo7timeoutValid values between 1 and 15
portUnsigned integerNo8080portValid values between 1 and 65535
requestStringNoGET /requestMaximum of 1024 characters
resultStringNoCODE_ISresultValid values are 'ANY', 'CODE_IS', and 'CODE_IS_NOT'
result_code Unsigned integerNo300result_code Valid values between 0 and 999
transport StringNoUDPtransport Valid values are 'TCP', 'UDP', 'SIPS', and 'TLS'
client_cert Client certificateNo626596e ... 4362f80c (128 characters)client_cert Valid value is a DTC certificate object
ciphers StringNoDHE-RSA-AES256-SHAciphers Valid value is array of ciphers in a string format
retry_upUnsigned integerNo3retry_upValid values between 1 and 10
retry_downUnsigned integerNo3retry_downValid values between 1 and 10
validate_cert BooleanNofalsevalidate_certDefault is 'true'
EA-Site StringNoSan Jose

DtcMonitorIcmp Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

name* StringYeslcmp_monitor1name
commentStringNoA DTC ICMP monitor commentcomment
intervalUnsigned integerNo10interval
timeout Unsigned integerNo7timeout Valid values between 1 and 15
retry_upUnsigned integerNo3retry_upValid values between 1 and 10
retry_downUnsigned integerNo3retry_downValid values between 1 and 10
EA-Site StringNoSan Jose

DtcMonitorPdp Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

name* StringYespdp_monitor1name
commentStringNoA DTC PDP monitor commentcomment
interval Unsigned integerNo10interval
timeout Unsigned integerNo7timeout Valid values between 1 and 15
retry_upUnsigned integerNo5retry_upValid values between 1 and 10
retry_downUnsigned integerNo5retry_downValid values between 1 and 10
portUnsigned integerNo6030portValid values between 1 and 65535
EA-SiteStringNoSan Jose

DtcMonitorTcp Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

name* StringYestcp_monitor1name
port* Unsigned integer
6030portValid values between 1 and 65535
commentStringNoA DTC PDP monitor commentcomment
interval Unsigned integerNo10interval
timeout Unsigned integerNo7timeout Valid values between 1 and 15
retry_upUnsigned integerNo3retry_upValid values between 1 and 10
retry_downUnsigned integerNo3retry_downValid values between 1 and 10
EA-SiteStringNoSan Jose

DtcMonitorSnmp Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

name* StringYessnmp_monitor1name
portUnsigned integer
6030portValid values between 1 and 65535
commentStringNoA DTC SNMP monitor commentcomment
intervalUnsigned integerNo10interval
timeoutUnsigned integerNo7timeoutValid values between 1 and 15
retry_upUnsigned integerNo3retry_upValid values between 1 and 10
retry_downUnsigned integerNo3retry_downValid values between 1 and 10
versionStringNoV1versionValid values are 'V1', 'V2C', and 'V3'
community StringNodesired_community community SNMP community string for an SNMP authentication
oids List of OIDs for SNMP monitoringNo.1.3/Comment-1/INTEGER/RANGE/10/1000,.1.2/Comment-2/STRING/EXACT/abc/,...oids
userStringNouser1userSNMPv3 user setting
context String
desired_context context SNMPv3 context. Maximum of 1023 characters.
engine_idStringNodesired_engine_idengine_idSNMPv3 engine identifier. Max of 1023 characters.
EA-SiteStringNoSan Jose

DtcARecord Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

ipv4addr* IPv4 addressYes10.0.0.1address
_new_ipv4addr IPv4 addressNo
dtc_server*DTC serverYesserver1lbdns_serverDTC server the DTC A record is associated with
ttlUnsigned integerNo1024ttl
disabled BooleanNofalsedisabled
comment StringNoSample DTC A recordcomment

DtcAaaaRecord Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

ipv6addr* IPv6 addressYes2001:db8::1address
_new_ipv6addr IPv6 addressNo
dtc_serverDTC serverYesserver1dtc_serverDTC Server the DTC AAAA record is associated with
ttlUnsigned integerNo1024ttl
comment StringNoSample DTC AAAA recordcomment

DtcCnameRecord Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

canonical* StringYesdtc.localdomaincanonical_nameCanonical name of the resource
dtc_server* DTC serverYesserver1dtc_serverDTC Server the DTC CNAME record is associated with
ttlUnsigned integerNo1024ttl
commentStringNoSample DTC CNAME recordcomment

DtcNaptrRecord Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

dtc_server* DTC serverYesserver1dtc_serverDTC server the DTC NAPTR record is associated with
order*Unsigned integerYes100order
_new_order Unsigned integerNo
preference* Unsigned integerYes10preference
_new_preference Unsigned integerNo
replacement* StringYesdomain2.comreplacement The desired replacement value in a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) format.
_new_replacement StringNo
flags* StringNoUflagsEmpty value is allowed. Supported values for the flags field are 'U', 'S', 'P', and 'A'.
_new_flags StringNo
services* StringNoSIP+D2UservicesEmpty value is allowed
_new_services StringNo
regexp* StringNo!http://my[.](.*)!1!iregexp Empty value is allowed
_new_regexp StringNo
ttlUnsigned integerNo28800ttl
comment StringNoSample DTC NAPTR recordcomment

DtcCertificate Header Items

NameTypeRequiredExamplelbap NameComment

certificateDTC certificateNo

Object Hash/Issuer/Valid from/Valid to/Subject

For example:

C=""IN""/2017-11-22 18:46:43/2018-11-22 18:46:43/CN=""pannpn"",OU=""Engineering"",O=""Infoblox"",L=""NYC"",

certObject hash is the SHA512 fingerprint of the certificate, that is to be used during the CSV import/export of dtcMonitorHttp and dtcMonitorSip objects in the client_cert field

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