show subscriber_secure_data bypass

show subscriber_secure_data bypass

If you have configured Infoblox Subscriber Services, the show subscriber_secure_data bypass command allows you to view the status of the subscriber data bypass for the member, all members of each site on the entire Grid, or all members of the site. For information about how to set data bypass, see set subscriber_secure_data bypassFor information about Infoblox Subscriber Services, see Infoblox Subscriber Services.


show subscriber_secure_data bypass [ grid | site ] [ "site_name" ]



gridDisplay the status of the subscriber service policies bypass for all members of each site on the entire Grid. 
siteDisplay the status of the subscriber service policies bypass for all members of the site.


Infoblox > show subscriber_secure_data bypass site mobile1

Site: Site1
          Member: dns1.com
                         Subscriber Secure Bypass disabled for the member dns1.com.
          Member: dns2.com
                         Subscriber Secure Bypass enabled for the member dns2.com.
          Member: dns3.com
                         Subscriber Secure Bypass disabled for the member dns3.com.

Infoblox> show subscriber_secure_data bypass

Member: dns3.com
          Subscriber Secure Bypass disabled on the member dns3.com.

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