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Modifying Rulesets

To modify parameters for an existing ruleset:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the Security tab -> Threat Protection Rules tab.
  2. In the Grid Threat Ruleset table, select the ruleset checkbox, and then click the Edit icon.
  3. In the Threat Ruleset editor, select the General tab -> Basic tab to modify the following:
    • Comment: Enter information about the ruleset.
    • Mark as Do Not Delete: When you select this, the ruleset cannot be deleted during an update. You can select up to three rulesets and mark them as Do Not Delete.

      You can also view the following information (but you cannot modify it):

    • Version: Displays the ruleset version in YYYYMMDD-x format, where YYYY is the year, MM the month, DD the date, and x the ruleset engine version number.
    • Active On: Displays the Grid or the name of the Grid member on which the ruleset is currently running. This can be Grid, a Grid member name, or None. When this displays None, the ruleset is not being used.
    • Added On: Displays the timestamp when the ruleset was uploaded to the Grid Master in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, plus time zone.