Provisioning vNIOS for GCP using Metadata

Provisioning vNIOS for GCP using Metadata

You can provision the Infoblox vNIOS for GCP instance through the Management -> Metadata field without using elastic scaling. In this section, you specify the feature licenses for the new Infoblox vNIOS for GCP instance. In the Metadata section, specify user-data in the key field and define the following values in the value field:

  • remote_console_enabled: Enter y to enable the remote SSH CLI console for a new instance. To disable the remote SSH CLI, enter n.

  • temp_license: Defines the NIOS feature licenses for the new instance. You can list a collection of temporary license names that apply to the instance during the initial boot. Using this directive allows you to quickly provision the new instance with temporary licenses without having to open a NIOS CLI session to do the same task. To access the NIOS GUI, you must provision the vNIOS license before you start the vNIOS instance.


Specify the NIOS model license with the temporary licenses in the Userdata field to provision temporary licenses.

Infoblox recommends that you also provision the Grid and cloud licenses at the same time as follows:
temp_license:grid cloud vnios.

All text entries must be in lower case. Valid license names include the following:

  • TE- Infoblox vNIOS for GCP instances (TE-825, TE-1425, and TE-2225):

  • nios

  • grid

  • dns

  • enterprise

  • cloud

  • NIOS license for DDI (TE-V825, TE-V1425, TE-V2225, CP-V805, CP-V1405, and CP-V2205):
    nios IB-Vxxxx, where "xxxx" is the license number.


To provision vNIOS for GCP using elastic scaling, specify the Grid Master IP address of the vNIOS for GCP instance in the Userdata field.

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