After you have completed the tasks listed in Prerequisites for Cloud Forwarders, complete the following steps to create a cloud forwarder:
Go to Configure > Networking > DNS > Cloud Forwarders.
Click Create and select AWS, Azure or GCP.
Configure the following:
Name: Specify a name for the cloud forwarder.
Description: Provide a brief description.
VPC/VNET: Select the VPC/VNET from the drop-down. Azure and AWS only support a single VPC/VNET. GCP supports multiple VPC/VNETs.
Subnet Address: Select the subnet and use the arrow icon (>>) to move it from Available to Selected. Azure only supports a single subnet and the subnet chosen must be used exclusively for the cloud forwarder. AWS supports multiple subnets. No subnet is chosen for GCP as GCP uses a standard network to source forwarded DNS traffic (
Click Save & Close.