Deploying and Using the Application

Deploying and Using the Application

Configure the Data Connector

To use the Ordr Systems Infoblox integration a source and destination for the data connector is required. Perform the following steps to configure the Data Connector.

  1. On the Infoblox CSP highlight on Manage, click on Data Connector in the revealed list



  1. On the Data Connector tab, use BloxOne Cloud Source as the Source Type.



  1. On the Data Connector tab, click on the Destination Configuration tab on the top of the Data Connector Page.



  1. Create destination configuration based on the following steps.

    1. Enter a Name for the configuration.

    2. Select the Application Script for Ordr Systems Integration and configure the desired Variables for Authentication and Integration.
      Destination Variables

      • cspApiKey

      • cspInstance

      • OrdrInstance

      • PassWord

      • UserName

      • ipSpaceName

      • deviceExpirationThreshold

c. Enable the destination by changing State to Enabled.


  1. Click on the Traffic Flow Configuration tab located near the top of the Data Connector page. Then, click the Create button to create a new Traffic Flow configuration.



  1. In the Create Traffic Flow Configuration screen, the details below are to be filled out.

For Ordr Systems Asset automation it is required to have two traffic flows

  1. Scheduler:  Triggers based on Cron job

  2. Events: Triggers based on Events

    Scheduler Traffic Flow

    • Enter the Name and description of the configuration. Enable the configuration by toggling the State to Enabled.

    • Select Schedule Source as the Source of Log Source Configuration with desired cron job, it is recommended to configure the cron to run on daily basis.

    • Expand the Destination Configuration list by clicking on the Destination Configuration header. Then, select the destination that was created earlier in this guide from the drop-down list

    • Expand the Service Instance list by clicking on the Service Instance header. Then, select the created Data Connector service from the list. Click on Finish to confirm the creation of the Traffic Flow. 


      Event Traffic Flow

    • Enter the Name and description of the configuration. Enable the configuration by toggling the State to Enabled.

    • Select BloxOne Cloud Source as the Source of Log Source Configuration and select Audit Log as the Log Type for Source Configuration



    • Expand the Destination Configuration list by clicking on the Destination Configuration header. Then, select the destination that was created earlier in this guide from the drop- down list

    • Expand the Service Instance list by clicking on the Service Instance header. Then, select the created Data Connector service from the list. Click on Finish to confirm the creation of the Traffic Flow.


Note: It is advisable to first activate the Scheduler Traffic flow and then enable the Event Traffic flow 24 hours later. This sequence allows the Scheduler Traffic to perform a full sync, the duration of which varies based on the dataset size.

Furthermore, any modifications to the IPAM IP space or subnet following the activation of traffic flow in this integration could take up to seven days to be reflected.



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