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Creating Health Probe Policies

You must create a health probe policy on each Service Edge instance. To create a health probe policy, do the following:

  1. In the Cloud Services Portal, click Manage > Service Edge > Policies > Health Probe Policies.
  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Add New Health Probe Policy dialog > General tab, specify the following:
    • Name: Enter a name for the policy. Create a name that does not exceed 64 characters in length. Use numbers, any special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and even spaces. Start and end a name with any character but not a space. Leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed off automatically. 
  4. To create a health probe rule, do the following: 
    • Navigate to the Health Probe Rules tab > Add Rule drop-down. 
      • Choose one of the following:
        • New Rule: Choose this to create a brand new rule. See more details below. 
        • Copy Rule: Copy an existing rule to add it to the respective policy.
          1. Click Add. 
          2. Select or search for the policy that contains the specific rule.
          3. Select the rule and click Add.
          4. Add more rules to the respective policy, or click Save to continue.
      • To create a New Rule, specify the following:
        • Rule Name: Enter a name for the health probe rule. Create a name that does not exceed 64 characters in length. Use numbers, any special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and even spaces. Start and end a name with any character but not a space. Leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed off automatically. 
        • Health Probe Type: Choose one of the following:
          • Ping: The health probe of type Ping performs a connectivity probe by sending ICMP datagrams to a destination or target you specify in the Probe Target Info area.
          • HTTP: The health probe of type HTTP (1) sends HTTP requests to a destination or target you specify in the Probe Target Info area and (2) expects a response within a specified timeout.
        • Timeout, ms: The amount of time, in milliseconds, the probe type must wait for a reply from the destination. 
        • Interval, ms: The amount of time, in milliseconds, after which the probe type must resume sending connectivity requests.
        • Retry: Choose a number from 1 to 10 from the drop-down list.
        • In the Probe Target Info area, click Add to add a target or destination to which Service Edge must send a connectivity request.
          • From the Type drop-down list, select one of the following:
            • IP: Enter the IP address of the target server to which the ping request must be sent.
            • FQDN: Enter the fully qualified domain name (for example, of the target server to which the ping request must be sent. Service Edge finds the IP address from the DNS resolver and pings the IP address. 
            • Default Gateway: If you choose Default Gateway, specify a value. Service Edge (1) maps the default gateway of the WAN interface on the on-prem host with its IP address and (2) pings the IP address.
      • Click Expand All to view additional details of the rules and Collapse All to hide them.
      • Click Save.
  5. Click Next to move to the Summary tab, to ensure the policy is accurate.
  6. Click Save & Close.


You must associate the health probe policies with an edge profile.