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You must install valid licenses for services and features to function properly in your Infoblox Grid. Different license types that are available are discussed in this topic. You can choose to obtain licenses for the desired features and services, and install them as static, dynamic, or Grid-wide licenses, depending on your network and business requirements.
After you install your licenses, you can monitor them from Grid Manager. Licenses are listed on the Grid tab -> Licenses tab. Grid Manager also displays the number of licenses that have expired and those that are expiring within the next 30 and 90 days respectively.
NIOS licenses are valid for Trinzic 2016 appliances, both physical and virtual. A NIOS license can be permanent or have an expiration date.


For additional information related to licenses in NIOS 9.0.1 and later that support Trinzic X6 series software and hardware appliances, see Managing Licenses in NIOS 9.0.1 and Later.

This topic includes the following sections:

License Types

Infoblox licenses are divided into the following classes:

  • Static: Static licenses are member specific. They are installed and tied to the Grid Master or specific Grid members. Static licenses are mapped to the hardware ID for each individual NIOS or vNIOS appliance.

  • Dynamic: These are floating licenses that are dynamically allocated to specific Grid members in the Grid. Dynamic licenses belong to a license pool, which is associated with the entire Grid. When not in use, they can be released back to the pool of licenses for further allocation. In an environment, such as a CMP (Cloud Management Platform), where you need to spin up multiple remote vNIOS appliances at different times based on business requirements, you can consider installing dynamic licenses.

  • Grid-wide: Grid-wide licenses are associated with the entire Grid. They are not tied to any particular member. When installed, Grid-wide licenses are replicated to all members in the Grid. Although a Grid-wide license entitles all Grid members to run a particular feature, other conditions and factors determine whether the feature can be enabled on a particular member. For example, a member might not be able to run the Reporting and Analytics feature because it does not have the reporting appliance model. The currently supported Grid-wide licenses are Security Ecosystem, Reporting Subscription, RPZ, Threat Analytics, Flex Grid Activation, and FireEye. To configure Grid-wide licenses for RPZ, see Grid-wide licenses for RPZ.

The static, dynamic, and Grid-wide licenses can have one of the following terms of duration:

  • Perpetual: Perpetual licenses are permanent licenses that do not have expiration dates.

  • Subscription licenses: Unlike perpetual licenses, subscription licenses come with an expiry date and will be valid till the expiry of the contract. After subscription licenses expire, the renewed licenses must be downloaded from the support portal and applied. These licenses can be static or Grid-wide licenses. For more information about Subscription Licensing, see Licensing Requirements.

  • Temporary licenses: You can enable one of several sets of temporary service licenses through the CLI command set temp_license. The duration for a temporary license is 60 days. They provide licensed features and functionality for the interim, while you wait for your permanent or subscription licenses to arrive. After these licenses expire, you cannot subscribe to the temporary licenses again. Note that pool licenses are not supported as temporary licenses.

Before any non-perpetual (subscription or temporary) licenses expire, an expiration warning appears during the Grid Manager login process. The warning reappears during each login until you renew the license. To renew a license, contact your accounts representative at Infoblox.


Grid Manager does not distinguish between subscription and temporary licenses for the functionality of features. At the expiration of temporary licenses, features may stop working until you purchase an appropriate subscription license, whereas when subscription licenses expire, most features continue to work. For more information, see NIOS Licenses and License Expiry.

Managing Static Licenses

Static licenses member-specific licenses that are mapped to the hardware IDs (also called as serial numbers) of individual NIOS or vNIOS appliances. Static licenses cannot be transferred among appliances. They come pre-installed on physical NIOS appliances according to the software packages you order at the time of purchase.
Static licenses can be perpetual or non-perpetual. A perpetual license does not have an expiration date. When you install a new static license with an expiration date beyond the existing license, it replaces the existing license. After you install static licenses on an appliance, you can view their status in Grid Manager.

Retrieving the Hardware ID of an Appliance

After you have set up or pre-provisioned a physical appliance or vNIOS virtual appliance, obtain the hardware ID or the virtual host hardware ID in case of a vNIOS virtual appliance:

  1. Log in to the NIOS CLI, or open a terminal session for the VM and open the NIOS CLI.

  2. Run the show hwid command as shown in the following example:
    Infoblox > show hwid
    Hardware ID: 4106202210700004
    Copy and paste the Hardware ID value for convenience.

    You can also run a show license command to obtain the same information:
    nios-vm-ib-1420-gm > show license
    Version : 6.11.0-248090
    Hardware ID : 564d41e13a1cc55affb9bad4e3b5c48a


Make a note of the hardware IDs that you obtain during this procedure. Each of these unique Hardware ID values can be associated with a License Activation ID from your Contract Notification email. If a license key is installed for the current VM, that key value also appears in the output for the show license command.

Obtaining Static Licenses

You can retrieve a license key for a static license either in CSV (comma separated values) format or in .txt format. It includes the following information in the format: serial number, hardware ID, license type, end date, and license string.

You can either upload the CSV file to the appliance or copy the license information from the .txt file and paste it in the Paste License(s) field on the Grid tab -> Licenses tab -> Member tab -> Add dialog in Grid Manager. For more information, see the Adding Permanent or Subscription Licenses section.

To obtain permanent static licenses from Infoblox:

  1. Log in to the support portal at using Google Chrome for best performance.

  2. Click My Products.
    An overview page that contains the list of appliance (hosts) maintenance contracts, software entitlements (assigned and unassigned), and subscriptions is displayed.

  3. For partners only: In the Select Account drop-down list, select the account for which you want to obtain licenses.

  4. To obtain the license for a new VM:

    1. Click Create Virtual Host.

    2. In the Create Virtual Host dialog box, enter the virtual host hardware ID and choose the license technology as DDI (for NIOS and BloxOne) or NetMRI

    3. Click Save & Assign Software.
      The Manage Software of Host <host name> page is displayed for the host you created.

    4. In the Software available to be assigned to Host section, enter the quantity to be assigned in the Qty to Assign field of the applicable license.

    5. Click Assign Software to assign the licenses.

    6. Click the Download License Keys button to download the licenses.

  5. To obtain the license for a new physical appliance:

    1. Click the Hosts tab.

    2. In the search box, enter criteria to search for your appliance.

    3. In the Manage column of your appliance, select Manage Software from the drop-down list.
      The Manage Software of Host <host name> page is displayed.

    4. Assign licenses to the appliance or unassign them if not needed:

      1. In the Software available to be assigned to Host sectionenter the quantity to be assigned in the Qty to Assign field of the applicable license, and click Assign Software.

      2. In the Software currently assigned to Host section, enter the quantity to be unassigned in the Qty to Unassign field of the applicable license, and click Unassign Software.

    5. Click the Download License Keys button to download the licenses.

  6. To obtain the license for an existing physical or a virtual appliance for which you are unsure of license entitlements or want to obtain a new listing of your license keys:

    1. Click the Hosts tab.

    2. In the search box, enter criteria to search for your appliance.

    3. In the Manage column of your appliance, select Download License Keys from the drop-down list.

    4. Additionally, you may assign or unassign licenses and download them from the Manage Software for Host <host name> page as explained in step 5.


Each VM License Activation ID should have a Hardware ID associated with it. As you install and spin up each virtual machine, establish written records for each Hardware ID with the VM License Activation IDs in a one-to-one ratio. These value pairs are necessary should you need to contact Infoblox Technical Support.

Downloading License Keys

You can download the license information either in CSV or TXT format. The following options are available in the Support portal:

  • To download the license information for an individual appliance, click Download License Keys that is available on the My Products tab -> Hosts tab -> drop-down list, or on the Manage Software for Host <host name> page.

  • To download the DDI license information for all your appliances at a time, click Download All DDI License Keys that is available on the My Products tab -> Hosts tab.

In the Download License Keys dialog that opens, complete the following steps:

  1. Select between TXT or CSV format.

  2. Click Download.

  3. In the Save as dialog, choose the location where you want to save the file.

  4. Click Save.

Managing Dynamic Licenses

Dynamic licenses are multiple licenses you obtain for NIOS appliances, both physical and virtual. You can install dynamic licenses in advance for different services and features and deploy them on demand, based on your business needs. The appliance stores these licenses in their respective license pools and allocates them when you deploy vNIOS virtual appliances. When you remove a vNIOS appliance from your Grid, the applicable licenses are automatically released back to the license pool. The appliance adjusts the total number of licenses accordingly. You can use dynamic licenses to automatically pre-provision and deploy vNIOS appliances. For more information about this feature, see About Elastic Scaling.

For a dynamic license, you can either upload the license file to the appliance or copy the information and paste it in the Paste License(s) field on the Grid tab -> Licenses tab -> Pool tab in Grid Manager. You must copy the entire string and save it to the text field. When you restore or perform a factory reset operation, you will lose the existing dynamic licenses.

License pools for a particular license type are an aggregate of the subpools that contain the respective license type. Subpools are either perpetual or non-perpetual with different expiration dates. NIOS displays non-perpetual and perpetual subpools with different expiration dates within the same pool.
Dynamic licenses can be allocated from a pool based on the aggregate install count. You can allocate licenses from a pool as long as the allocated count of perpetual and non-perpetual licenses does not exceed the count of perpetual and active non-perpetual licenses that are installed.


You must install both the Grid and vNIOS licenses on a vNIOS appliance for it to join the Grid. You can add other licenses such as DNS, DHCP, or Cloud Platform depending on how you deploy your vNIOS virtual appliances.

Obtaining Dynamic Licenses

When you purchase licenses for specific features and services, you may deploy the licenses as dynamic licenses. License information is stored in a license file with the following information for each license: LSN-P (License Serial Number - Proxy), LK-P (License Key Proxy, LSN (License Serial Number) and LK (License Key). License keys are generated based on the LPC_UID (License Pool Container Unique ID) of the Grid Master. You must first obtain the LPC_UID of the Grid, also called the Grid license UID from the Grid Master and then contact Infoblox Technical Support to obtain dynamic licenses.
Infoblox stores information related to dynamic licenses in a license file. When you install dynamic licenses, you must upload the entire license file to the Grid Master, as described in the Adding Permanent or Subscription Licenses section.
To obtain dynamic licenses:

  1. Log in to Grid Manager and obtain the LPC_UID from the Grid Master:

    1. From the Grid tab, select the Licenses tab -> Pool tab, and then click Export All Licenses in the Toolbar.

    2. Save the CSV file.

    3. Open the CSV file. The LPC_UID is displayed in the SIGNATURE row. Copy this ID. You will need this ID when contacting Infoblox Technical Support.

      Note that you can also use the show license_pool_container CLI command to display the LPC_UID.

  2. Contact Infoblox Technical Support or your Infoblox representative to obtain the dynamic licenses.

Manually Allocating Dynamic Licenses

To allocate a particular feature license to a NIOS member:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Licenses tab -> Pool tab.

  2. Select the feature license and click the Action icon  next to the license, and then select Allocate from the list.

  3. In the Allocate Pool Licenses dialog, click Select Member Node.

  4. From the Member Selector, click the FQDN of the NIOS member on which you want to install the feature license. The appliance displays the member in the To this member: field.

  5. Click Allocate to install this license on the selected member or click Cancel to cancel this action.
    NIOS allocates the license and adjusts the numbers in the Assigned and Available fields on the Pool tab.

Manually Deallocating Dynamic Licenses

To deallocate a particular feature license from a NIOS member:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Licenses tab -> Member tab.

  2. Select the license and click the Action icon next to the checkbox, and then select Deallocate from the list.

  3. In the Deallocate Pool Licenses dialog, select the licenses you want to deallocate from the Pool Licenses table.

  4. Click Deallocate to remove the licenses from the members or click Cancel to cancel this action.
    NIOS deallocates the license from the respective members and adjusts the numbers in the Assigned and Available fields on the Pool tab.

Manually Revoking Dynamic Licenses

To remove a particular feature license from the pool:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Licenses tab -> Pool tab.

  2. Select the feature license and click the Action icon next to the checkbox, and then select Revoke from the list.

  3. In the Remove Licenses dialog, click the Number field and enter the number of licenses you want to remove for the selected license type.

  4. Click Remove Licenses to remove the licenses or click Cancel to cancel this action.
    NIOS removes the licenses and adjusts the numbers in the Assigned and Available fields on the Pool tab.

Managing Grid-wide Licenses

NIOS supports Grid-wide licenses that are valid across the entire Grid. You can obtain Grid-wide licenses for features listed in this section. Although a Grid-wide license entitles all Grid members to run a particular feature, other conditions and factors determine whether the feature can be enabled on a particular member. For example, a member might not be able to run the Reporting and Analytics feature because it does not have the reporting appliance model. 

For a Grid-wide license, you can either upload the license file to the appliance or copy the information and paste it in the text field on the Paste License(s) field on the Grid tab -> Licenses tab -> Grid Wide tab of Grid Manager. You must copy the entire string (license type, expiry date, and license string). The Flex Grid Activation license is bundled with the following licenses: Grid, DNS Cache Acceleration, DNS, DHCP, DNS Traffic Control, Response Policy Zone, Software Threat Protection, Threat Protection Update, NXDOMAIN Redirect, Microsoft Management, Threat Analytics, Security Ecosystem, and Cloud Network Automation.

Note the following about Grid-wide licenses:

  • When you restore or perform a factory reset operation, you will lose the existing Grid-wide licenses.

  • NIOS restores any Grid-wide licenses that are present in a restored database.

  • When you restore a database from another Grid, NIOS replaces the UID of the Grid and the Grid-wide licenses from the other Grid.

  • Static and Grid-wide licenses of the same type can co-exist in the same Grid.

  • If a member is pre-provisioned for a specific feature, it is allowed to join the Grid that has the Grid-wide license for that feature even if the member does not have a license for that feature.

  • To install a Cloud Network Automation license on an IB-FLEX appliance, it must be set up as a Grid Master.

About the Flex Grid Activation License

Flex Grid Activation is a permanent Infoblox license that you can implement as a NIOS Grid-wide license to enable the following features at the same time:

  • Grid

  • DNS Cache Acceleration

  • DNS

  • DHCP

  • DNS Traffic Control

  • Response Policy Zone

  • Software ADP

  • Threat Protection Update

  • NXDOMAIN Redirect

  • Query rewrite

  • Threat Analytics

  • Security Ecosystem

  • Captive Portal

  • Microsoft Management

  • Cloud Network Automation

For more information, see About IB-Flex. After you install the Flex Grid Activation license, you can view it on the Grid tab -> Licenses tab -> Grid Wide tab of Grid Manager.

You can install the Flex Grid Activation license on a Grid Master even if IB-FLEX is not a part of the Grid, but this license is effective only for an IB-Flex member. The Infoblox License Portal allows you to acquire any number of Flex Grid Activation license keys for each individual Grid. To install a temporary license, use the set temp_license CLI command.

About the Flex Grid Activation for Managed Services License

Flex Grid Activation for Managed Services is a combination of all existing Infoblox licenses that you can implement as a NIOS Grid-wide license. If you install this license, you do not need to install each license separately. The Flex Grid Activation for Managed Services license comprises the following licenses: 

  • Grid

  • DNS Cache Acceleration

  • DNS

  • DHCP

  • DNS Traffic Control

  • Response Policy Zone

  • NXDOMAIN Redirect

  • Software Threat Protection

  • Threat Protection Update

  • Threat Analytics

  • Security Ecosystem

  • Microsoft Management

  • Cloud Network Automation

You can install the Flex Grid Activation for Managed Services license only on a Grid Master or a standalone appliance. To install a temporary license, use the set temp_license CLI command.


If you install the Flex Grid Activation for Managed Services license, you cannot install the Flex Grid Activation license and if you install the Flex Grid Activation license, you cannot install the Flex Grid Activation for Managed Services license.

Obtaining Grid-wide Licenses

When you purchase licenses for specific features and services, the licenses may be Grid-wide licenses. License information is stored in a license file with the following information for each license: LSN-P (License Serial Number - Proxy), LK-P (License Key Proxy, LSN (License Serial Number) and LK (License Key).

License keys are generated based on the license UID of the Grid Master. You must first obtain the UID of the Grid and then contact Infoblox Technical Support to obtain the Grid-wide licenses.


Ensure that you obtain the license UID of the Grid Master. If you use the license UID of a Grid member or an appliance that has not yet joined the Grid, you might not be able to properly install the Grid-wide license.

The license file (CSV) format for Grid-wide licenses are as follows:

Infoblox stores information related to Grid-wide licenses in a license file. When you install Grid-wide licenses, you must upload the entire license file to the Grid Master, as described in the Adding Permanent or Subscription Licenses section.

To obtain Grid-wide licenses:

  1. Log in to Grid Manager and obtain the license UID of the Grid Master as follows:

    1. From the Grid tab, select the Licenses tab -> Grid Wide tab, and then click Export All Licenses from the Toolbar.

    2. Save the CSV file.

    3. Open the CSV file. The UID is displayed in the SIGNATURE row. Copy this ID. You will need this ID when contacting Infoblox Technical Support.

      Note to obtain the UID of the Grid, you can use the show license_uid command on the Grid Master. For more information, refer to the Infoblox CLI Guide.

  2. Contact Infoblox Technical Support or your Infoblox representatives to obtain the Grid-wide licenses.

Adding Permanent or Subscription Licenses

To add permanent or subscription licenses:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Licenses tab -> Member tab or Pool tab or Grid Wide tab and click the Add icon.

  2. Select one of the following:

    • Upload License File: Use this method to upload static, dynamic, and Grid-wide license files. Click Select File, navigate to the license file, and click Open.

    • Paste License(s): Paste the license key in this text field. You must paste the entire string in CSV format: serial number, hardware ID, license type, end date (in the mm/dd/yyyy format), and license string. If you are pasting multiple licenses, start each string on a new line. For example, 564daaa3ef07e648a563434a2b412834,564daaa3ef07e648a563434a2b412834,DNS,12/05/2018,EwAAADU+PZEOjFsMAXxw4nlfHyZ6tdw

  3. Click Save License(s).
    The appliance validates the license and adds it to the table. Close the browser window and log in to Grid Manager. If you are activating licenses for an HA pair, you must follow this procedure for both nodes.


  • Once the NIOS license is installed, you must wait for NIOS to restart (if prompted) before you install other licenses.

  • To transfer licenses between vNIOS on VMware appliances, refer to the Infoblox Installation Guide for vNIOS for VMware.

Adding Temporary Licenses

Use the set temp_license command to generate and install temporary licenses. This can provide licensed features and functionality for the interim, while you wait for your permanent license to arrive.
To generate a temporary license:

  1. Log in to the NIOS appliance through a remote console window.
    For more information on how to open a remote console window, refer to the Infoblox CLI Guide.

  2. At the Infoblox command prompt, enter set temp_license.
    The appliance lists the available licenses, and you select those you need. For more information, see set temp_license.

  3. Enter the number of licenses you want to install.

  4. Confirm the selection when prompted, and the following message appears:
    Temporary license is installed.

Once the NIOS license is installed, you must wait for NIOS to restart before you install other licenses.

Viewing Licenses

If the appliance is part of a Grid, you must log in to the Grid Master to view license information from Grid Manager. If the appliance is an independent appliance, log in to System Manager on the appliance. If you have transferred licenses from one vNIOS appliance to another, you can view information about the new and replaced licenses. For more information, see Transferring NIOS Virtual Licenses.
Grid Manager displays licenses on the Grid tab -> Licenses tab. You can view license information for all static and dynamic licenses (including temporary licenses) on the Member tab, and a summary of dynamic licenses on the Pool tab.

Viewing Member Licenses

To view the information about active licenses, including static and dynamic licenses that are currently assigned or allocated to NIOS and vNIOS appliances:

  1. Log in to Grid Manager on the Grid Master or System Manager on an independent appliance.

  2. Select the Grid or System tab -> Licenses tab -> Member tab. The appliance displays the following information:

    • Type of License: The license category. This can be Static, Dynamic, or Grid Wide. Static licenses are individual licenses you obtain and are currently assigned to specific appliances. These licenses are tied to specific hardware IDs and you cannot deallocate them. Dynamic licenses are pooled licenses that support the Elastic Scaling feature, which enables central tracking, granting, and management of NIOS feature licenses for vNIOS entities in the Grid. You can manually allocate and deallocate dynamic licenses. When installed, Grid-wide licenses are replicated to all members in the Grid. The currently supported Grid-wide licenses are Security Ecosystem, Reporting Subscription, RPZ, Flex Grid Activation and FireEye.

    • Feature: Indicates the features for which the license was installed. For example, if the license was installed for DNS service, this shows DNS.

    • Name: The FQDN of the appliance.

    • HA: Indicates whether the appliance is an HA pair.

    • IPv4 Address: The IPv4 address of the appliance, if applicable.

    • IPv6 Address: The IPv6 address of the appliance, if applicable.

    • Hardware ID: The unique hardware ID of the appliance. The ID is highlighted in red if the license on the appliance was removed.

    • Serial Number: The serial number of the appliance.

    • Type Context: Depending on the license type, this field displays the attribute (such as Model) that the license controls. This field is blank if the license does not control any attribute type. This field can display one of the following:

      • Leases: Indicates that this DHCP license supports a specific number of DHCP leases. The number of leases supported is displayed in the Type Details field.

      • Model: Indicates that this vNIOS license supports a specific vNIOS virtual appliance model. The model supported is displayed in the Type Details field.

    • Type Details: Information about the attribute type that the license monitors. This field can display the following information for each attribute:

      • Leases: The number of DHCP leases that the DHCP license supports.

      • Model: The model of the NIOS virtual appliance, such as IB-V1410 or IB-V2215.

    • Expiration: The expiration date of the license.

    • Replaced Hardware ID: The hardware ID of the appliance whose license was removed.

Viewing Dynamic Licenses

You can install dynamic licenses on the Grid Master for future vNIOS appliance deployments. When you install dynamic licenses, the Grid Master store them in a license pool. You can view these licenses and evaluate license usage for vNIOS virtual appliances.
For a particular feature, such as DNS or DHCP, Grid Manager displays dynamic licenses in sub pools so you can view the number of permanent licenses, the number of licenses that are expiring on a particular date, and those that are expired. NIOS highlights the licenses that are going to expire soon using a yellow background. Licenses that are approaching expiry are highlighted with a pink background.


The overall license status for a particular feature reflects the most critical status among all licenses in the pool. For example, if there are expired licenses in the pool, the overall status for this license type appears as expired.

To view dynamic licenses in the pool and their usage information:

  1. Log in to Grid Manager on the Grid Master.

  2. Select the Grid tab -> Licenses tab -> Pool tab. The appliance displays the following information:

    • Feature: The feature for which you have obtained the license.

    • Installed: The number of licenses that have been installed for the specified feature.

    • Assigned: The number of licenses currently allocated to vNIOS virtual appliances.

    • Available: The number of licenses that are currently available for the specified feature.

    • License Model: For vNIOS license only. Indicates the model type of the vNIOS virtual appliance. Note that the vNIOS license you install on the vNIOS appliance must match the appliance model. You can use vNIOS license that has a higher capacity on a vNIOS appliance that has a smaller capacity, but not vice versa. For example, you can install a CP-V1405 license on a CP-V805 or CP-V1405 appliance, but not on a CP-V2205.

    • Limit Context: Depending on the license type, this field displays the attribute (such as Model) that the license controls. This field is blank if the license does not control any attribute type. This field can display one of the following:

      • Leases: Indicates that this DHCP license supports a specific number of DHCP leases. The number of leases supported is displayed in the Type Details field.

      • Model: Indicates that this vNIOS license supports a specific vNIOS virtual appliance model. The model supported is displayed in the Type Details field.

    • Limit Value: Information about the attribute type that the license monitors. This field can display the following information for each attribute:

      • Leases: The number of DHCP leases that the DHCP license supports.

      • Model: The model of the vNIOS virtual appliance, such as IB-V410 or IB-V2215.

    • Expiration: The expiration date and time of the license. It displays Permanent for permanent licenses and Expired for licenses that expired.

  3. Click the arrow mark next to the checkbox of a specific feature to view the list of licenses and their respective expiration dates.

Viewing Grid-wide Licenses

Grid Manager displays the licenses that are configured for the respective Grid. To view Grid-wide licenses:

  1. Log in to Grid Manager on the Grid Master.

  2. Select the Grid tab -> Licenses tab -> Grid Wide tab. The appliance displays the following information:

    • Feature: The feature for which you have obtained the license.

    • Limit Context: Depending on the license type, this field displays the attribute (such as Model) that the license controls. This field is blank if the license does not control any attribute type. This field can display one of the following:

      • Leases: Indicates that this DHCP license supports a specific number of DHCP leases. The number of leases supported is displayed in the Type Details field.

      • Model: Indicates that this vNIOS license supports a specific vNIOS virtual appliance model. The model supported is displayed in the Type Details field.

    • Limit Value: Information about the attribute type that the license monitors. This field can display the following information for each attribute:

      • Leases: The number of DHCP leases that the DHCP license supports.

      • Model: The model of the vNIOS virtual appliance, such as IB-V1410 or IB-V2215.

    • Expiration: The expiration date and time of the license. It displays Permanent for permanent licenses.

You can do the following:

  • Delete a Grid-wide license as explained in the Removing Licenses section.

  • Click the Export icon to export the list of licenses to a .csv file.

  • Click the Print icon to print the list of licenses.

To search for specific licenses on the Member, Pool and Grid Wide tabs, you can use filters and the Go to function (the Go to function is not supported in the Pool tab) to narrow down the list. With the autocomplete feature, you can just enter the first few characters of an object name in the Go to field and select the object from the possible matches. You can also create a quick filter to save frequently used filter criteria. For information about Using Quick Filters, see Using Quick Filters.

Backing Up Licenses

You can back up all static licenses, dynamic licenses added in the license pool container, and Grid-wide licenses in case you need to re-install them at a later time. Infoblox recommends backing up the licenses before removing any of them.


Dynamic licenses are not exported to this file. Dynamic licenses are automatically released and returned to the license pool on the Grid Master when a member leaves the Grid. Unallocated dynamic Licenses are available for allocations.

When you back up the licenses, Grid Manager creates a CSV file that lists the following information for each license: serial number, hardware ID, license type, end date, and license string.
To back up licenses:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Licenses tab.

  2. Click Export All Licenses in the toolbar. Grid Manager generates a CSV file that contains all the licenses. Depending on the browser you use, you can then open the file or save it to a specified location.

Removing Licenses

You can remove licenses and reset a NIOS appliance to its factory default settings. For example, if you have a NIOS appliance running the DNSone package with the Grid upgrade, but you want to use it as an independent appliance, you can remove the Grid license. Infoblox recommends that you back up licenses before removing them, in case you decide to re-install them at a future time.
When you remove a Grid-wide license, the licensed feature is deactivated on all the members that are affected by the license. On the other hand, when you remove a Grid member from the Grid, the member no longer has the ability to run the feature associated with the Grid-wide license now that is it not part of the Grid.


  • Exercise caution when removing licenses; you may render an appliance unusable by removing the wrong license. Other feature sets may be affected once you remove a license; for example, removing licensing for DNS and DHCP services will also disable task packs on the NIOS Dashboards –> Tasks page.

  • Infoblox does not recommend deleting CNA temporary licenses as it may result in unexpected behavior. For example, after deleting a CNA temporary license, running a vRA workflow to create a reservation on a vNIOS setup followed by a vDiscovery job, can result in a VM affiliation conflict. To clear the conflict, as a workaround, you must install a CNA permanent license, and then delete it. For assistance, contact the Infoblox Technical Support.

To remove an active license:

  1. From the Grid tab, select the Licenses tab -> Member tab or Grid Wide tab.

  2. Select the license and click the Delete icon.
    Check the license that you are about to remove. Note that removing the wrong license can render an appliance unusable.

  3. Click Yes when the confirmation dialog appears.

  4. Close the browser window and log in to the Infoblox GUI.

  • No labels