IB-4010 Product Overview

IB-4010 Product Overview

The IB-4010 appliance is a high performance network appliance that provides core network services, including DNS (Domain Name System), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), IPAM (IP Address Management), and NTP (Network Time Protocol). The IB-4010 may operate as a Grid member or as a Grid Master, and operate in either capacity with a second IB-4010 appliance in high availability (HA) mode. You configure and manage the IB-4010 appliance through the Grid Manager.

Note: The IB-4010 appliance is currently sold in a Rev-2 hardware platform. Infoblox supports a previous platform version, Rev-1, only with field-replaceable units (FRUs) and warranty replacements. Current Rev-2 platform FRUs, such as power supplies and fan units, also are not compatible with IB-4010 Rev-1 hardware and FRUs, and vice versa. Ensure that you use the correct FRUs for your IB-4010 appliance. For information about FRUs, see Field Replaceable Units.

Key features of the IB-4010 include the following:

  • Support for Grid management and all administrative features for Infoblox IPAM, DNS, DDNS, and DHCP
  • High availability support
  • LOM (Lights Out Management) support
  • Field replaceable hard disk drives
  • Hot-swappable AC power supplies
  • Field replaceable fan modules
  • Optional DC power supplies
  • Alternative system configurations for the support of copper or fiber SFP/SFP+ 1GbE/10GbE interfaces

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