Accessing and Navigating the Infoblox Ecosystem Portal

Accessing and Navigating the Infoblox Ecosystem Portal

To access the Infoblox Ecosystem Portal, complete the following:

  1. Navigate to https://ecosystem.infoblox.com/login in your browser. Alternatively, you can click on the hyperlink in the Infoblox Portal under the Integrations side menu item (Configure > Administration > Integration Marketplace). Either approach will direct you to the main page of the Infoblox Ecosystem.

The Infoblox Ecosystem home page.
Image: The Infoblox Ecosystem home page.


  1. Click the Log in icon located in the top-right corner of the page. To deploy integratons, it is required that you log into the ecosystem. Otherwise, logging in is optional. On the login page, use your Infoblox Portal user account credentials to log into the Infoblox ecosystem portal. If you have not previously created an infoblox Ecosystem account, you will be requested to create one. If you have previously logged in to the Infoblox Portal using SSO, then this page will be bypassed and you will be redirected to the the All Applications page.

The Infoblox Ecosystem login page.
Image: The Infoblox Ecosystem login page.
  1. Upon logging in, you will be directed to your Infoblox Ecosystem Dashboard page. This page serves as the primary hub for accessing free trials and subscriptions for integration applications. Here, you can manage your account, review your profile, check your cart by clicking on the cart icon, or log out. Additionally, you can explore different sections of the site by utilizing the menu links.

Viewing All Infoblox Certified Integrations

1. From the dashboard page, click All Integrations to view all integrations on the Infoblox Certified Integrations page.

The All Integrations menu item.
Image: The All Integrations menu item.
  • On the Infoblox Certified Integrations page, you can access a comprehensive list of all applications. This list can be filtered by category and types of support.

  • On the page, you have the option to conduct a search for a specific application, display or conceal the filter pane, or sort categories based on the following criterion:

    • Relevancy

    • Popularity

    • Newest

    • Alphabetical

The All Applications page.
Image: The All Applications page.

Viewing MyApps

  1. From the dashboard page, in the top, right-hand corner of the page, click on your user name. From the menu options displayed, select one of the following choices:

    • Account

    • Profile

    • Company

2. Click on any of the three menu options (Profile, Account, or Comapny) to navigate to its respective page. In the top banner section of the page. Do note that clicking on Logout will log you out of the system.

Image: Click on one of the three otpions to go to its respective page.

3. In the top banner section of the page, locate and click on the 3x3 grid icon. This action will direct you to the MyApps page (https://ecosystem.infoblox.com/myapps).

The location of the 3x3 grid icon on the page banner.
Image: The location of the 3x3 grid icon on the page banner.

4. The MyApps page (https://ecosystem.infoblox.com/myapps) displays the applications you have subscribed to. Click on an application tile to access its dashboard page.

The MyApps page displays the applications you have subscribed to.
Image: The MyApps page displays the applications you have subscribed to.

Subscribing to Automations

For information on the Infoblox marketplace, see Infoblox Ecosystem Marketplace.

Using the page navigation, you can also view the following resources on the main Infoblox site:

You can also visit the following infoblox resourxes:

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