Modifying a NIOS-managed DHCP Config Profile
When modifying a DHCP Config Profile managed by NIOS, you can only update some fields.
To update a DHCP config profile in the Infoblox Portal:
From the Infoblox Portal, click Configure > Networking > IPAM/DHCP > DHCP Config Profiles
Choose the DHCP Config profile and click Edit.
On the Modify DHCP Config Profile page, update the following:
Name: Cannot be modified
Description: Cannot be modified.
Tags: Cannot be modified.
You can only update the following fields:
Leases: You can set parameters to control how the DHCP server responds to lease requests for clients and hardware. See Defining Lease Times.
IPv4 Lease Time
IPv6 Lease Time: While overriding IPv6 leases, some values are not accepted. This is because in NIOS for IPv6 we have a Valid Lifetime and a Preferred Lifetime. After the import, when you try to edit and change the Valid Lifetime, it should be greater than what you have specified as the Preferred Lifetime in NIOS. So in case you have Preferred Lifetime as 450 mins, which is 7.5 hours. If you try to specify the Valid Lifetime less than 7.5 hours, it gives an error.
Ignore Lease Requests From (IPv4, MAC type only)
Ignore UID when issuing IPv4 DHCP Leases
DHCP Options: DHCP options provide specific configuration and service information to DHCP clients. See Configuring DHCP Options.
IPv4 DHCP Option Codes
IPv6 DHCP Option Codes
DDNS: DDNS updates go to Universal DDI managed zones or zones hosted by an external DNS server. For example, you can configure NIOS as the external primary server. See Enabling DDNS for IPv4 Clients.
Generate hostname if not sent by client
Update DNS records on DHCP lease renewal
Client FQDN Handling (OPTION 81)
Filters: To control how Universal DDI allocates IPv4 addresses, you can define DHCP filters and apply them to the DHCP config profile. See Configuring DHCP Filters.
IPv4 Filters
IPv6 Filters
Click Save & Close to save the details or click Cancel to exit.
You cannot create a DHCP Config Profile in NIOS from the Infoblox Portal. You cannot delete a NIOS-managed DHCP Config Profile from the Infoblox Portal.