When a Cloud Forwarder Endpoint is created in Infoblox Portal, a DNS Service is also created so customers can use the endpoint as the service of a Forward Zone. When the Cloud Forwarder Services are used in a Forward Zone, they reflect a Rule associated with the Cloud Forwarder Endpoint as defined by the DNS Cloud Forwarding feature.
The name of this Service instance object is usually the name of the Cloud Forwarder Endpoint and is required to be unique. Unfortunately, DNS Resolver Endpoints from a 3rd Party Provider are not guaranteed to be unique. In the event a Cloud Forwarder Endpoint is discovered with a name that already exists for that account in the Infoblox Portal, Cloud Discovery will automatically add a suffix to the Endpoint name to make it unique for Forward Zone use.
For example, if the Endpoint was named “test-ep1” and it’s identifier in AWS was “rslvr-out-00000000000000001” then to associate a Forward Zone to this Cloud Forwarder Endpoint, the user would select the Service Instance named “test-ep1-rslvr-out- 00000000000000001".
For example, take an Endpoint named “test-ep1” in the “test-rslvr1” DNS private resolver, which is in the “demo” resource group, which in turn is all in the subscription with ID of “10000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001". If there was already a Cloud Forwarder Endpoint in the Infoblox Portal (discovered or not), then the name of the Service Instance used by Forward Zones to associate to this Cloud Forwarder Endpoint would be “test-ep1-in-test-rslvr1-demo-10000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001"
Below is an example of a Forward Zone with the Service Instances of Outbound Cloud Forwarders.