Viewing Data Profiles

Viewing Data Profiles

A data profile must be created prior to uploading TIDE data. To view the current list of data profiles, perform the following: 

  1. In the Infoblox Portal, click ConfigureSecurity TIDE.
  2. On the Data Upload page, click the Data Profiles tab.
  3. View the following details for a data profile:
    • PROFILE: The name of the data profile.
    • DESCRIPTION: The description of the data profile.
    • FEED NAME: The name of the data feed. 
    • ACTIVE: The current deployment status of the feed. Yes if the feed is active; No if the feed is inactive. 
    • USE DEFAULT TTLS: This indicates whether or not a data profile is collecting TTL information. If the data profile is collecting TTL information, then YES will be displayed in this column. If the data profile is not collecting TTL information, then NO will be displayed in this column. 

You can also do the following on the page:

  • Search for records by keyword: In the Search text box, enter the keyword you want to search on. The Infoblox Portal displays the records that match the keyword.
  • Filter data by available values: Click the filter icon.
  • View additional details of a feed: In the panel on the right, select a feed to view its details. To collapse the panel, click the information icon.
  • Sort any column: Click the label in the column header. When the sorting order is changed, the page view will default back to the first page of records.

For  information on submitting TIDE data, see TIDE Data Submission Overview.

For additional information on TIDE data profiles, see the following:

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