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DNS Event

DNS Query and Response

Infoblox security checks are applied to the complete DNS query and response. Infoblox parses all DNS query types (link to different query types we support) to find malicious IPs and servers embedded in DNS messages. An RPZ event is generated when a domain or IP address within a DNS query or response is matched to an Infoblox threat feed. For information on Infoblox policy threat intelligence options, see Security Policies. For information on custom lists, see Custom Lists.

API Calls for dns_event

The Infoblox Threat Defense API allows you to make REST API calls to gather DNS security data from Infoblox Threat Defense for SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) purposes. Based on your business needs, you can configure a SIEM system in your network to collect the DNS security data so you can filter the data and create custom reports. Security data can be collected for both public and private IP addresses.

The Swagger documentation for DNS Event api calls can be found here.


You must have the following in place before using the InfobloxThreat Defense API:

  • Infoblox Threat Defense subscription

  • The API key that you obtain through the Infoblox Portal. For information see Transport and Authentication.

Supported Object for dnsdata

The Infoblox Threat Defense API supports a single API object (dns_event) for the dnsdata (or threats) endpoint, which allows you to obtain a list of DNS requests.

Table 1. API Call for dns_event

HTTP Method





Get a list of the blocked DNS requests

To authenticate requests, you should pass an HTTP “Authorization” header with the API key and the prefix “Token.” 

The following are some sample API requests using curl commands in JSON format:

Example 1:

For RPZ data

curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Token <YOUR TOKEN>" "" -s

Example 2:

For Analytic data

curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Token <YOUR TOKEN>" "” -s
Example 3:

For Category data

curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Token <YOUR TOKEN>" "" -s

The following are some sample API requests using curl commands in CEF format:

Example 1:

For RPZ data

curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Token <YOUR TOKEN>" "” -s

Example 2:

For Analytic data
curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Token <YOUR TOKEN>" "” -s

Example 3:

For Category data
curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Token <YOUR TOKEN>" "" -s

Request Parameters

It is possible for an API call to return a huge dataset. Infoblox currently limits the result dataset to 50,000 records and recommends that you narrow the search and execute it frequently to avoid polling a big dataset. The following table explains the supported parameters you can use in your API requests to filter the results:

Table 2. Request Parameters for dns_event





Start time in seconds (Unix timestamp). Query records on or after the start time. (required)



End time in seconds (Unix timestamp). Obtain records before (but not on) the end time. (required)



Enter rpz for RPZ events, analytic for detection (threat insight) events, or category for content category. If omitted, data from all sources are provided. (optional)



Source Network (NAT case) / Server name / AT Endpoint (optional)

“Some Network”


Device IP that sent the DNS query (optional)



Queried name/Domain (optional)



Policy name (optional)

“Policy name”


Threat Level (optional, case-insensitive, accepts numeric or string values). Valid levels are: 1 = LOW, 2 = MEDIUM, and 3 = HIGH. You must enter the numeric number when using this parameter. See the following example for usage: curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Token <API Key>" ""


“High” OR



Threat category (optional)



Number of rows to return (optional)


policy_actionIndicates what action is performed as a result of policy evaluation (policy is a set of rules that specifies decisions for resources). Possible actions are: Log, Block, Default, RedirectLog


Offset of first row to return, for paging (optional)



JSON (default) or CEF (Optional)



Infoblox threat feed name or custom feed name. Can be the following:

  • raw feed name or human-readable mapping from a raw feed name, if available
  • custom list name

“Threat Insight - Data Exfiltration”



Type of the feed described in feed_name above. 



application is 

  • a cloud-hosted software in which a remote server performs tasks on behalf of the user, either in isolation or in coordination with a local software package,  or
  • a local software package that utilizes cloud servers for updates, heartbeats / phone home, or other services



Category of the application (see the app_name description for what an application means).



Subcategory of the application (see the app_name description for what an application means).



Comma separated list of event fields to be included in the response. All the fields will be returned if not specified.



DNS View name received from NIOS.



Threat Indicator. May indicate malicious or unauthorized activity.



Response data, corresponding to dns query.

“”, “”

threat_familyThreat Family is used to group domains which have similar threat property (optional, allows multiple values - comma separated.)"Log4Shell" OR "Log4Shell","OPENRESOLVER"

There is a short delay (a few seconds to a few minutes) between a query being blocked and that information being available via the Infoblox Threat Defense API.

Output Format for dns_event

After you have sent the API request, the system returns DNS security data based on the parameters in your command. This data can include DNS threat (or RPZ) events and detection (or analytic) events. The returned data can be in JSON format or CEF (Common Event Format). The default is JSON. Events in JSON are listed in the “result” object array.  CEF is a variation of the syslog format. If you specify to receive your data output in CEF, every event is encoded as a line of CEF.

The CEF data output includes the following header:

CEF:Version|Device Vendor|Device Product|Device Version|Signature ID|Name|Severity|Extension



The following table explains the header fields in the CEF output:

Table 3. CEF Header Fields

CEF Prefix FieldDescriptionValue
VersionAn integer that identifies the version of the CEF. Event consumers use this information to determine what the following fields represent.“0”
Device VendorStrings that uniquely identify the type of sending device. No two products may use the same device-vendor and device-product pair. There is no central authority managing these pairs. Event producers must ensure that they assign unique name pairs.“Infoblox”
Device Product“ATC”
Device Version“2.0”
Signature IDUnique identifier per event-typeSHA2 digest of CEF log line (with an empty Signature ID field)
NameString representing a human-readable and understandable description of the event.“dns_event” or “detection_event”
SeverityIn CEF format, an integer that reflects the importance of the event. Only numbers from 0 to 10 are allowed, where 10 indicates the most important event.“5”
ExtensionA collection of key-value pairs. The keys are part of a predefined set. An event can contain any number of key value pairs in any order, separated by spaces (“ “). If a field contains a space, such as a filename, it is valid and can be logged in exactly in that manner, as follows:

fileName=c:\ProgramFiles\ArcSight is a valid token.

The following example illustrates a CEF message using the syslog transport:

Sep 19 08:26:10 host CEF:0|security|threatmanager|1.0|100|worm successfully stopped|t|src= dst= spt=1232

Use the same fields as output in JSON format but apply
CEF field name and data value conventions (see the
CEF field map table below).
InfobloxAtcEventTime=149901680000InfobloxAtcRip= InfobloxAtcRcode=NOERROR InfobloxAtcUser=administrator InfobloxAtcNetwork=
AT Endpoint InfobloxAtcQtype=TXT InfobloxAtcConfidence=HIGH

The data output rows are not displayed in any particular order. To preserve row order for paging operations, the query results are cached. The default cache expiry time is set to five minutes (300 seconds). Queries that are sent after the cache expiry time may not have the same order of rows. You can control the output paging by using the _limit and _offset parameters in your curl command.

Data output is limited to 50,000 rows of data. Depending on the paging properties and data record size, more rows of data can be returned in certain cases.

Response in JSON Format

If you do not specify an output data format in your API call, it defaults to JSON. The following are some sample JSON outputs:

curl --request GET ‘,device_name,user,severity,tclass,tproperty,event_time,confidence,rcode,response,country,query_type,network,feed_name,feed_type,policy_name,rip,mac_address,dhcp_fingerprint,os_version,category,qip,app_name,app_category,app_subcategory,dns_view,private_ip’ --header 'Authorization: Token <your token>'


"result": [
"app_category": "",
"app_name": "",
"app_subcategory": "",
"category": "Parked Domain",
"confidence": "",
"country": "United States",
"device": "BLR-ML-SBELUR",
"dhcp_fingerprint": "",
"dns_view": "",
"event_time": "2022-04-14T10:36:42.000Z",
"feed_name": "CAT_Parked Domain",
"feed_type": "FQDN",
"mac_address": "88:e9:fe:62:93:3f,36:4b:50:b7:ef:15",
"network": "BloxOne Endpoint",
"os_version": "macOS 11.6.5",
"policy_name": "zvellow_policy",
"private_ip": ",",
"qip": "",
"qname": "",
"qtype": "AAAA",
"rcode": "",
"rdata": "2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25C8:1946",
"rip": "",
"severity": "",
"tclass": "",
"tproperty": "",
"user": "sbelur"
"status_code": "200"

curl --location --request GET ',device_name,category,qip'--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your bearer token>'


"result": [
"category": "Parked Domain",
"device": "BLR-ML-SBELUR",
"qip": "",
"qname": ""
"category": "Mac OS",
"device": "BLR-ML-SBELUR",
"qip": "",
"qname": ""
..<3000005 lines total = 50k records>
curl --location --request GET ',device_name,category,qip'--header 'Authorization: Token <your token>'


"result": [
"category": "Software/Hardware",
"device": "BLR-88MMWT2",
"qip": "",
"qname": ""
"category": "Software/Hardware",
"device": "BLR-ML-88MMWT2",
"qip": "",
"qname": ""
..<2400005 lines total = 40k (=50k max -10k offset) records>


Response in CEF

The following is an example of the CEF data output:

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Token <your token>'
InfobloxAtcFeedName=Threat Insight - Data Exfiltration
InfobloxAtcFeedType=FQDN InfobloxAtcMacAddress=
InfobloxAtcNetwork=TI_Network InfobloxAtcOsVersion=
InfobloxAtcThreatClass=Data Exfiltration
InfobloxAtcThreatProperty=Threat Insight - Data Exfiltration

The following table describes the data output fields (if they exist) that can appear in the output:

Table 4. Data Output Fields

JSON formatCEF formatDescriptionExamples
qnameInfobloxAtcQnameDestination Domain, Destination IP address“”
deviceInfobloxAtcDeviceDevice IP or AT Endpoint name“”, “ATE” (tracks public and private IP addresses)
userInfobloxAtcUserUser Info“administrator”

Threat Level (threat_level)


tclassInfobloxAtcThreatClassThreat class indicates the category of the threat. For example: phishing, spambots, malware, etc.“MalwareDownload”, “CUSTOM”, "Phishing", "Spambot"
tpropertyInfobloxAtcThreatPropertyThreat property indicates a further refinement of threat class. For example, when the threat class is malware, then the threat property is a type of malware.“Locky”, “LIST”
event_timeInfobloxAtcEventTimeEvent timestamp“2018-01-28T17:28:01.000Z”
confidenceInfobloxAtcConfidenceConfidence (decoded, e.g., LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH)“HIGH”

This is the DNS response type (decoded, e.g. NXDOMAIN, NOERROR, etc.) from ATC that gets returned for each query made. The following are the all possible return values


Note: Rcode is derived from policy_action. So, when _field_list contains rcode, policy_action will be returned as well.


rdataInfobloxAtcRdataResponse data“”, “”
country InfobloxAtcCountryCountry code. Reflect location of the resolved IP“US”, “unknown”
qtypeInfobloxAtcQtypeQuery type (decoded, e.g., A, AAAA, MX, etc.)“TXT”
networkInfobloxAtcNetworkSource Network (NAT case) / Server / ATE (decoded)“Some Network”, “AT Endpoint”

Infoblox threat feed name or custom feed name. Can be the following:

  • raw feed name or human-readable mapping from a raw feed name, if available
  • custom list name
“Threat Insight - Data Exfiltration”
feed_typeInfobloxAtcFeedTypeType of the feed (feed_name described above).


policy_nameInfobloxAtcPolicyNamePolicy name“Default Global Policy”
ripInfobloxAtcRipReturned IP address“”, “”
mac_address InfobloxAtcMacAddressMAC address ATEP
dhcp_fingerprint InfobloxAtcDhcpFingerprintDHCP fingerprint
os_version InfobloxAtcOsVersionOS version ATEP
category InfobloxAtcCategoryContent category “Search Engines”
qip InfobloxAtcQipDevice IP “”
dns_viewInfobloxAtcDnsViewDNS View name received from NIOS.view
policy_actionInfobloxAtcPolicyActionIndicates what action is performed as a result of policy evaluation (policy is a set of rules that specifies decisions for resources). Possible actions are: Log, Block, Default, RedirectLog

Application name where an application is 

  • a cloud-hosted software in which a remote server performs tasks on behalf of the user, either in isolation or in coordination with a local software package,  or
  • a local software package that utilizes cloud servers for updates, heartbeats / phone home, or other services
app_categoryInfobloxAtcAppCategoryCategory of the application (see the app_name description for what an application means).Communication
app_subcategoryInfobloxAtcAppSubcategorySubcategory of the application (see the app_name description for what an application means).Email

Format: String, comma separated values.


User Groups from third party IDPs (Identity Providers) like Okta, OpenAM, Azure and LDAP. Once the user is authenticated, we store the user details (user name, user group information, MAC address) in Onprem Authn Service. From there, any queries happening from that user behind the Server network, the queries will be encrypted with site-id, user groups information and forwarded to Cloud. Then Cloud apply the policy rules based on the user group and DFP configuration in security policies in CSP

“dl cto-org,test-security-org,Engineering-core”



Threat Indicator. May indicate malicious or unauthorized activity.


tfamilyInfobloxAtcThreatFamilyThreat Family is used to group domains which have similar threat property. One threat class can contain multiple threat families, like
  • DNSTunnel (Tclass) has DNScat2, Generic, TunnelGuru (Tfamily)
  • MalwareC2 (Tclass) has Asprox, Azorult, BackdoorRAT, BadRabbit, Bamital


Error Handling for dns_event

Data returned in JSON format might contain the status detail field in case of errors and warnings, which could be ERROR or ERROR_MANDATORY_START. Note that the status_detail dictionary supports both “errors” and “warnings,” which are lists of strings containing individual messages appropriate for the errors.

In addition, HTTP can return the following status code:

  • 200 – Success
  • 400 – Missing or invalid parameter
  • 401 – Authentication error
  • 500 – Server error

The following are some examples:

JSON output with no errors:

"status_code": "200",
"status_detail":  { "errors": [] }

JSON output with detected errors:

"status_code": "500",
"status_detail":  { "errors": [ "<NOC-formatted-message>" ] }