dnstap-receiver Configuration
NIOS currently has no way to store or process dnstap logs after they leave the Grid. You will need some way to unpack and read the incoming dnstap messages from NIOS. A simple solution is to install dnstap-receiver, a python module that receives dnstap messages and outputs them in a way Elastic can ingest. It supports several input stream types and can be configured to output readable data in many ways, such as to a syslog server, stdout, a file, and more.
We will be using dnstap-receiver to ingest the dnstap messages from NIOS and output them to a file. Later, we will configure Logstash to ingest the file into Kibana. dnstap-receiver is configured with external config files, similar to Logstash. Let’s create the config file that will output the readable messages to a file. Note: For this demo, dnstap-receiver was installed on the same Ubuntu VM as Elastic. It is best practice to keep these pieces of software installed on separate VMs.
Access the machine where your dnstap-receiver instance is installed. Follow the installation instructions on its Python module page to install it.
Open a terminal.
To keep tidy, create a new directory for which dnstap will output the logfile that will be ingested by Elastic:
sudo mkdir /var/log/dnstap
Then create the logfile. Note: We do this because the logfile must exist before executing dnstap-receiver. Otherwise it will throw an error.
sudo touch /var/log/dnstap/dnstap.json
You must allow the logfile to be written to by dnstap-receiver. Enter the following command to allow all the files inside
to be readable, writable, and executable to all users on the computer. You can store the logfile in a writeable directory somewhere else, such as Documents, if you do not wish to change permissions.
sudo chmod -R 777 /var/log/dnstap/
Now create a new directory for which the config file will live:
sudo mkdir /etc/dnstap-receiver
Then create the config file:
sudo touch /etc/dnstap-receiver/dnstap.conf
Open the file with
for editing:
sudo gedit /etc/dnstap-receiver/dnstap.conf
Copy and paste the following into the file. Save and close the file when finished.
# enable or disable
enable: true
# format available text|json|yaml
format: json
# log file path or null to print to stdout
file: /var/log/dnstap/dnstap.json
# max size for log file
file-max-size: 100M
# number of max log files
file-count: 10
This file tells dnstap-receiver to output the dnstap messages in json format to the dnstap.json
file we created earlier. You can set various other parameters here, such as the max file size of the logfile or the max number of files to keep.
These files can potentially become very large so adjust and rotate according to your needs. Logstash offers many modules to simplify this.