Create NTP Service
This section will cover how to create an NTP server, configure it’s local settings, and how to assign the NTP service to a BloxOne host.
Navigate to the Infoblox CSP to and Log in.
Once logged in, navigate to Infrastructure. Highlight Manage in the left-hand sidebar, then click on Infrastructure.
Click the Services tab.
Click Create Service. Then click NTP in the list that is revealed.
In the Create NTP Service panel, complete the following steps:
Give the NTP service a Name.
(Optional) Input a Description for the NTP service.
Ensure the Toggle switch is Enabled. If desired, you may also disable the service via this toggle switch.
Select a Host. Click the Select Host button.
Locate and click on the BloxOne Host that will run the NTP service. Click Select to confirm the selection.
(Optional) Expand the Tags section and input one or many Tags. Note: Tags are a type of metadata that is attached to this service.
Click Add to add a Tag.
For each Tag Input a Key and Value.
Click External NTP Servers in the left navigation panel.
The settings in the External NTP servers section are sourced from the Global NTP settings. If alternative settings are required, you may override each individual section by using the Override toggle switch. For more information about these settings, or the Global NTP Settings, please reference the Global NTP Configuration section of this document. Please note that at least one upstream NTP server must be input for the creation of the NTP service to be successful.
(Optional) Click Interface Binding in the left navigation panel.
Interface Bindings: If desired you may select the interface the NTP service runs on. Note the NTP service can be bound to WAN, LAN, a custom interface label, or all interfaces. This setting is set to All Interface Binding by default.
To confirm the creation of the NTP service, click Finish.
Then, click Save & Close. Note, when assigning the NTP service to a BloxOne host, the host may be Degraded momentarily.