Accessing and Restarting the Application Docker Container
Users can go inside the application docker container. In the docker container, the user can see logs and configure some parameters.
Perform the below commands on your QRadar instance via SSH:
Run the command - /opt/qradar/support/recon ps
The above command will list all the applications installed in QRadar, then find the app with the name “Infoblox App For QRadar” and copy its App-ID.
Run the command - docker ps
Find the Container id of the Infoblox app. (container id for the Infoblox app will be under the container id column for which Image column containing the previous copied App-ID. E.g....qapp-1112...)
docker exec -it <container_id> bin/bash. (to go inside the docker)
Now, you are in the docker container.
Steps to Restart Docker Container
To restart the docker container, follow these steps:
Run command - docker restart <Container-ID>.