Create a Route53 Resolver Rule

Create a Route53 Resolver Rule

In order to forward traffic to BloxOne Threat Defense you must configure a resolver rule which allows Route 53 to forward traffic to IP addresses defined within. To create a Resolver rule, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Route 53 navigation panel, click Rules located under the Resolver header.

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  1. On the Rules page, click Create rule.

  1. Configure the new rule

    • Give the rule a Name.

  • Set the Rule type as Forward.


  • In the Domain name text field input the character ‘.’ without quotations.

  • Select any VPC(s) that you would like this rule to apply to via the dropdown menu located under the VPCs that use this rule header.

  • Select the Outbound endpoint that was created earlier via the dropdown menu.

  • In the First Target IP address text field, input the address Additionally, input 53 in the Port text field


  • Click Add target to input another IP address.

  • In the second Target IP addresses field input the IP Additionally, input 53 in the Port text field

  • Click Submit to confirm the creation of the rule.

  • If the creation of the rule was successful, you will now see the new rule in the list of Rules.

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