Create a Route53 Resolver Rule
In order to forward traffic to BloxOne Threat Defense you must configure a resolver rule which allows Route 53 to forward traffic to IP addresses defined within. To create a Resolver rule, perform the following steps:
In the Route 53 navigation panel, click Rules located under the Resolver header.
On the Rules page, click Create rule.
Configure the new rule:
Give the rule a Name.
Set the Rule type as Forward.
In the Domain name text field input the character ‘.’ without quotations.
Select any VPC(s) that you would like this rule to apply to via the dropdown menu located under the VPCs that use this rule header.
Select the Outbound endpoint that was created earlier via the dropdown menu.
In the First Target IP address text field, input the address Additionally, input 53 in the Port text field
Click Add target to input another IP address.
In the second Target IP addresses field input the IP Additionally, input 53 in the Port text field
Click Submit to confirm the creation of the rule.
If the creation of the rule was successful, you will now see the new rule in the list of Rules.