Add a Rest API Endpoint

Add a Rest API Endpoint

A REST API Endpoint is a remote system which receives changes based on a notification and a configured template. A Grid, for example, can not only send notifications, it can also receive the notifications from itself (ex. for testing purposes).

In this integration, the PAN Firewall is the endpoint. Let’s add the endpoint.

  1. Navigate to GridEcosystemOutbound Endpoint. Click the Add button and select Add REST API Endpoint.

  2. Fill in all the fields as required. 

NOTE: The Auth Username and Auth Password are the credentials of the PAN Firewall. The WAPI Integration Username and WAPI Integration Password are the credentials of your NIOS grid.

  1. Click Test Connection

NOTE: This only checks TCP communication with the URI. It does not verify authentication. 

NOTE: It is recommended to send notifications from a Grid Master Candidate if there is one available instead of Grid Master.

  1. Under the Session Management tab, set the Log Level to Debug for debug purposes during initial configuration.

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