Viewing New Objects
[Ubuntu] Open a Firefox browser and login to the Grid Master [NIOS].
[NIOS] Navigate to the Data Management → IPAM tab. The new network container is visible here. Note that this network container is owned by the Cloud adapter due to the cloud specific extensible attributes used.
[NIOS] Click on the network container. Here you can see the new network(s).
[NIOS] Click on the first network. Here you can see the IPAM hosts that were created. Note: If you created multiple networks, hosts may not be in the as they will be located in whichever network Terraform happened to create first.
[NIOS] Navigate to the Data Management → DNS → Zones tab.
[NIOS] Click on the zone.
Observe the DNS Host records have been created for each of the new “VMs”.
[NIOS] To view the cloud objects created by this configuration, navigate to the Cloud → Tenants tab. A new tenant is visible here with a MGMT Platform of Terraform and the specified Tenant ID.
[NIOS] Navigate to the Cloud → Networks tab. The new network container and network(s) are visible here.
[NIOS] Navigate to the Cloud → VMs tab. Here you can see each of the VMs added by the allocation and association resource blocks.