Deploy AWS VPC (Optional)
Prior to deploying a vNIOS for AWS instance, you will need a VPC in the desired region. This section details the deployment and configuration of a new VPC. If deploying vNIOS into an existing VPC, skip ahead to the Deploy vNIOS Instance section.
Create VPC
Log in to the AWS Management Console.
Use the Services search box to find and select VPC.
On the VPC Dashboard, click on Create VPC.
Select VPC only.
Enter a name for your VPC.
Enter an IPv4 CIDR block for your VPC.
Scroll down to click Create VPC.
Create Subnets
Before using your new VPC, you will need to create at least one subnet. vNIOS for AWS instances should use two subnets, one for the LAN1 interface and one for the MGMT interface. In this guide, we will create a subnet for each interface.
Back on the VPC page, click on Subnets.
Click the Create subnet button.
Select your new VPC from the dropdown list.
Enter a name for the subnet.
Select an Availability Zone.
Enter a CIDR block for the subnet that fits within the CIDR of your VPC.
Click Add new subnet.
Enter a name for the second subnet.
For Availability Zone, use the dropdown to select the same availability zone used by the first subnet.
Enter a CIDR for this subnet, which must not overlap with the first subnet.
Click Create subnet.
Add Internet Connectivity to the VPC
To allow connectivity in and out of your VPC through the Internet, including connectivity for your vNIOS instance, you will need to create an Internet Gateway and associated routes. If you are using site-to-site VPN or other methods of connecting to AWS VPCs, direct Internet connectivity may not be needed. Configuring these other types of connectivity are outside the scope of this guide; please refer to AWS documentation.
Attach Internet Gateway
Click on Internet Gateways in the VPC menu.
Click on Create internet gateway.
Name the gateway and optionally add other Tags.
Click Create internet gateway.
Once the gateway has been successfully created, click on Attach to a VPC.
Select your VPC from the dropdown.
Click on Attach internet gateway.
Add Routes
Next, we’ll update the VPC route table to send all traffic through the new internet gateway.
Once the attach operation is complete, click Route tables in the VPC menu.
Select the route table for the new VPC.
Click on the Routes tab.
Click the Edit routes button.
On the Edit routes page, click Add route.
For Destination, enter
For Target, select Internet Gateway from the dropdown.
Select the Internet gateway for this VPC from the dropdown.
Click on Save changes.