Create vNIOS for GP Custom Image

Create vNIOS for GP Custom Image

VM instances are deployed using a predefined image. This guide provides the steps to create a custom image using an Infoblox vNIOS for GCP image file previously uploaded into your project’s storage bucket. 

Important: Infoblox vNIOS version 8.4 and 8.5 appliances are deployed with two network interfaces that will correspond to the LAN1 and MGMT (not enabled by default in NIOS). Because of this, the MULTI_IP_SUBNET feature must be enabled in the image or else the deployed vNIOS appliance will be unable to communicate on the network. While the second network interface is optional beginning with NIOS 8.6, this method should still be used for creating custom images. As of this writing, the MULTI_IP_SUBNET feature is only available using the GCloud CLI. 

For more information regarding the deployment of virtual machines with multiple network interfaces in GCP, refer to https://cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/create-use-multiple-interfaces .

To create a custom image using the GCloud CLI:

  1. Open a terminal or command line application on the computer where you installed the GCloud CLI.

  2. If not already logged in, first authenticate using the GCloud CLI:

gcloud auth login

  1. Follow prompts in your browser to login.

  2. Run the following command to create your custom image:

gcloud compute images create <image_name> --guest-os-features MULTI_IP_SUBNET --source-uri <Source_URI>

  1. In the above example, replace <image_name> with the name you want for your image. Note: Names can be up to 62 characters, must start with a lowercase letter, may contain lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and cannot end with a hyphen.

  2. In the above example, replace the <Source_URI> with the URI for the Infoblox vNIOS for GCP appliance image file you uploaded in the last section.

  1. Wait for the image creation to complete.

  2. To view your new custom image in the GCP Console, in the navigation menu expand Compute Engine. Select Images.



  1. Enter the name of your image in the filter.


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