Enabling the Custom Host Naming Functionality
Enabling the Custom Host Naming Functionality
Infoblox IPAM Plug-In for VMware supports the functionality of automatically assigning custom names to created VMs instead of vRA’s default names. This is ensured by integrating third-part extensions with vRA and Infoblox Plug-In. Infoblox Plug-In provides built-in integration with the Custom Hostname Extension for vRA. For other third-part extensions, you will need to specify some parameters manually in Infoblox Plug-In workflows.
The example below applies to the Custom Hostname Extension for vRA. To enable custom hostnaming functionality for vRA, do the following:
- Download and install the vRA Custom Hostnaming Extension package as described in https://dailyhypervisor.com/vrealize-automation-custom-hostnaming-extension/.
As the result, the “Custom Hostname Properties Template” property group is created in vRA. - In vRA, go to Administration –> Property Dictionary –> Property Groups.
- Find the “Custom Hostname Properties Template” group.
- Click Copy to create your own property group for custom host naming.
- Make the following changes to the newly-created property group:
- Delete the following properties:
- Custom.Deployment.HostnameScheme
- Custom.Deployment.NoIndexOnFirst
- Custom.Hostname.OwnerShortNameIdentifier
- Custom.ComponentMachine.NoIndexOnFirst
- Set theCustom.ComponentMachine.HostnameScheme property value to {LOC}{GRP}{APP}{###}. This is an example hostname scheme that you will use for custom hostname generation.
- Delete the following properties:
- Click OK to save the property group.
- Add the property group you configured to the appropriate location.
- Set the properties you will use as parts of the hostname scheme, in this example {LOC}{GRP}{APP}{###}, in the appropriate locations. For example, do the following:
- In Infrastructure –> Endpoints –> Endpoints –> vCenter (vSphere endpoint) –> Custom properties, add a custom property “LOC” (which means location) with the value “SantaClara”.
- In Administration –> Users & Groups –> Business Groups –> open a group to edit –> Custom properties, add a custom property “GRP” (which means group) with the value “DEV”.
- In Design –> Blueprints –> open a blueprint to edit –> Custom properties, add a custom property “APP” (which means application) with the value “LNX”.
- In the blueprint, assign two property groups to VM:
- “Infoblox-Default” or your custom Infoblox-specific property group
- Custom Hostname property group that you created in step 4.
- Save the configuration.
For more custom host naming options, see xxx