About CSV Import
Use CSV Import to import DNS, DHCP, and IPAM data through Grid Manager. You can use this feature to migrate or add new data, overwrite existing data, merge new data with existing data, delete existing data, or replace certain existing data in the database.
To import new data, you must first prepare a data file (include all required fields and follow the proper syntax), and then start an import through Grid Manager. You can also export existing data to a data file, modify the data, and then import the modified data to the database. You can either overwrite existing data with the modified data or merge new data with the existing data. You can also delete data that is no longer required or replace certain existing data with new data in the file. Note that the replace option is valid for authoritative zone data only whereas other options are valid for all supported objects including zones. The replace operation creates a snapshot or a backup of the existing data in the database before replacing the database with the data in the imported CSV file.
The appliance supports CSV import for most record types. You can use IDNs and punycode for the domain name field for most of the DNS object types. For information about IDNs and punycode, see Support for Internationalized Domain Names. Only superusers can import A and AAAA records with a blank name. Limited-access users must have read/write permission to Adding a blank A/AAAA record in order to import A and AAAA records with a blank name, otherwise the CSV import operation might fail. You can assign global permission for specific admin groups and roles to allow to import A and AAAA records with a blank name. For more information, see Administrative Permissions for Adding Blank A or AAAA Records. For each supported record type, you must include all required fields in the header row of the dataset that you want to import. For a list of supported record types and specific guidelines for creating a data file, refer to the Infoblox CSV Import Reference.
To import a data file:
- Create a data file if you do not already have one. Follow the guidelines for the supported objects to ensure that you include all the required fields in the file. For more information, refer to the InfobloxCSVImportReference. You can also export existing data and then update the file for re-import. For information, see 2228256522282565
- Configure import options. For information, see 22282565
- Start a CSV import. For information, see Exporting Displayed Data.
WARNING: CSV imports and operations that involve massive data, such as deleting large zones and recursive deletion of networks and all child objects, will significantly affect member performance, resulting in service outage.
When you submit multiple CSV imports, the appliance puts the import jobs in queue and executes them one at a time in the order they are submitted. When a job is being executed, it is in the Import in progress state. When a job is in queue for execution, it is in the Import pending state. You can import multiple CSV files at a time, but at any given time you can execute only one single task. Note that only one task at a time will be in the Import in progress state, while the others are in the Import pending state. You can view the status of each import job through CSV Job Manager. Superusers can view all import jobs while limited-access users can view only the jobs they submitted.
To access CSV Job Manager, from the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar and select Jobs Manager, or from the Tasks Dashboard, click CSV Import in the IPAM Task Pack. Superusers and limited-access users that have applicable configurations and permissions can perform CSV imports and exports. For information about user permissions for CSV imports and exports, see 22282565.
You can do the following in CSV Import:
- Add, overwrite, append, replace or delete data through the imported CSV file, as described in 22282565 22282565.
- Verify the content in the CSV file, as described in 22282565
- View a list of CSV import jobs, as described in 22282565.
- Add and start CSV import jobs, upload data files, stop CSV imports, or edit the options of the uploaded file, as described in 22282565
- Delete uploaded jobs, as described in 22282565.
- Download the following: imported files, import errors, import results, or snapshots, as described in 22282565.
- Select a pending or saved job, and then click the Cancel icon to cancel the job.
- Click the Refresh icon to refresh the CSV Job Manager.
Note that superusers can view any jobs in the CSV Job Manager, and limited-access users can only view jobs they submitted.
Note: The list of CSV import jobs are not restored when you restore a backup file or when you promote a master candidate.
CSV Import User Permissions
Superusers can perform any CSV import tasks. You must assign limited-access users the correct configurations and permissions so they can perform CSV imports and exports. For information about how to configure the CSV Import task for limited-access users, see About Dashboard Templates . Limited-access users can import data to which they have proper permissions. For information about admin permissions, see About Administrative Permissions.
Changes you make to user permissions can affect CSV import and export behaviors. The following table lists actions performed on user permissions and the corresponding effects on CSV imports and exports:
Table 1.3
Actions taken on user permissions | CSV import and export behaviors associated with the affected user account |
Delete a user account |
Modify a user account |
Remove user permissions in a user account |
CSV Import Limitations
Ensure that you understand the following limitations before you start an import:
- You can import multiple CSV files at a time, but at any given time you can execute only one single task. The import tasks are queued. Note that only one task at a time will be in the Import in progress state, while the others are in the Import pending state.
- Do not use UTF-8 characters in the CSV file name.
- When you perform a CSV import that includes objects that have scheduled changes or updates associated with them, the import fails. Only superusers can cancel the scheduled changes.
- When you stop an import, the appliance completes the import of the data row it is currently processing before it stops the import. You cannot resume the import from where it stopped.
- You cannot roll back to previous data.
- The following data cannot be imported: Microsoft management, DNSSEC, and GSS-TSIG data.
- CSV import does not support DNSSEC zones, though resource records added for a signed zone are supported.
- Only editable data can be imported. Discovered data cannot be imported or manipulated.
- When you promote a new Grid Master during an import, the import stops; and it does not restart on the new Grid Master. When a failover occurs during an import, the import stops on the old active node, and it does not restart on the new active node.
- It may take longer than expected to import a large number of DHCP ranges that are associated with a single MAC address filter.
- When a CSV import starts, the appliance validates the first 100,000 rows of data in the CSV file. If the file contains more than 100,000 rows of data, the appliance validates the rest of the data as the import progresses.
- The appliance supports up to one million rows of data in each CSV import.
- You cannot import network containers.
- To successfully import RIR (Regional Internet Registries) organizations, you must also specify the maintainer password. Note that the password field is not exported during a CSV export. For information about RIR updates, see RIR Registration Updates.
- You can use the Replace operation to replace the current data in the database with the data in the imported CSV file. Note that the replace option is valid for authoritative zone data only whereas the other options are valid for all supported objects including zones. For more information, see 22282565.
- The Replace operation is available only for authoritative zones. This operation does not support DNS records that are automatically generated or exported, but it supports NS records that are created manually.
- Use the delete function to delete import jobs that are uploaded. You can delete the content of a CSV file that you have imported to the database. Note that you cannot delete jobs that are already imported.
- When you import CSV files for NS record updates, you must specify a value for zone_nameservers. NIOS displays an error message if you do not specify a value for this field when you import the CSV file.
- When you perform a CSV export of automatically created NS records using Infoblox API, the zone_nameservers field will have an empty value. Therefore, if you import the previously exported CSV file that includes automatically created NS records through the Infoblox GUI, then the CSV import fails and Grid Manager displays an error message.
- If you upload a file and preview the file using the Preview option, and later update the content of the same CSV file, and then try to view the edited file using the same Preview wizard, you may not be able to see the changes. Infoblox recommends that you start a fresh CSV import to upload the edited file and navigate to the Preview wizard to preview the file.
- You cannot perform the CSV import operation on a Microsoft Server zone object, but NIOS allows you to perform the CSV import operation on records within a Microsoft Server zone. You may not see an error message when you perform a CSV import using the replace operation on an Microsoft Server zone.
Configuring Import Options
You can import CSV files and perform various operations to update the data in the database. You can choose from several import options: add, override, merge, delete, and replace. You can add new rows from the imported file to the database, overwrite existing rows in the database, append rows to the existing rows in the database, delete existing rows in the database, or replace the existing rows in the database. You can verify whether the data in the imported file is appropriate using the Test option before you import the file to the database. You can also view the results and progress details of the operation.
To import a CSV file, complete the following:
- From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar.
- In the CSV Job Manager wizard, select CSV Import and click the New CSV import job icon.
- In the New CSV Import Wizard, complete the following:
Type of Import
For all supported objects (including zones)
- Add: Select this to add new rows from the imported CSV file to the database. NIOS updates the database with the new data that you have added to the imported CSV file and retains the rows that do not have any changes.
- Override: Select this to overwrite the existing data in the database with the data from the uploaded file. You cannot add new rows or delete existing rows. If you want to overwrite values in the required fields, you must include the required fields and the corresponding _NEW_XXXX fields in the data file.
- Merge: Select this to add values from the imported CSV file to the existing columns in the database that do not have any data. It does not overwrite the existing data, even if the data file contains new values for certain fields. If you want to overwrite values in the required fields, you must include the required fields and the corresponding _NEW_XXXX fields in the data file.
- Delete: Select this to delete the rows in the imported CSV file from the database.
- Custom: Select this to apply custom import actions for individual data rows in your CSV file. When preparing the CSV file for import with the Custom option, add an IMPORT-ACTION column to the file and specify a custom import action for each data row. Use the following abbreviations for import actions: 'I' (INSERT), 'M' (MERGE), 'O' (OVERRIDE), 'IM' (INSERT+MERGE), 'IO' (INSERT+OVERRIDE), 'D' (DELETE).
For zones only
- Replace: Select this to replace the contents of the database with data provided in the CSV file. NIOS cancels the replace operation and will not save the changes if it encounters an error. You can replace the DNS records of a zone by importing a zone file that was exported previously. You can only replace DNS records that are manually created. NIOS generates a results file listing the file name, action performed, date and time, and result at the end of the validation. You can view the results file only after the replace operation is complete. NIOS generates the backup file automatically for every replace operation and saves it in the Infoblox Grid. Note that the CSV file must contain data for one authoritative zone only, that is, you cannot insert records from different authoritative zones into a single CSV file for replace operation.
Note: The replace operation might affect system performance if you try to replace a zone with a lot of changes. Infoblox recommends that you perform the replace operation for large import files (more than 10,000 rows of changes) during non-peak hours. This operation ignores _new_XXX fields in the imported CSV files.
4. Click Next to import the CSV file.
- Import Type: Displays the type of import option you have selected.
- Select the CSV file that you want to import and click Choose.
On Error: Select one of the following to tell the appliance what to do when it encounters an error during an import:
- Stop import: Select this to stop the data import once it encounters an error in the uploaded file. Grid Manager displays the row number at which it stops the import when it encounters an error. NIOS saves the changes made to the CSV file before an error occurs. For example, if there are 100 rows of data and you select this option, and there is an error in row 90, the appliance displays 90 of 100 completed, 1 error.
- Skip to the next row and continue: Select this to skip over errors and continue the data import. You can download an error report to identify the erroneous data. NIOS displays the total number of rows it has processed by skipping over. For example, if there are 100 rows of data and you select this option, the appliance displays 100 of 100 completed, 1 error.
5. Click Next to preview your CSV file. In the File Preview table, Grid Manager displays the header row, the first six rows, and up to 15 columns of the imported data. You cannot edit the data here. Field names with asterisks indicate required fields. Note that you must define these fields in the imported file. If any of the required fields are missing, the appliance generates an error during the import operation. You can do the following in this wizard:
- Import type: The type of import option you have selected.
- Filename: The name of the CSV file you have selected.
- Separator: Select a separator for your CSV file from the drop-down list. The default value is Comma.
- OnError: The option you have selected.
6. Click Test to verify the content in your CSV file. Click Yes in the TestCSVImportforReplaceOperation dialog box to verify the content or click No to cancel the operation. NIOS automatically analyzes the data in the imported file for any syntax errors or other violations. You can also view a detailed report of the file that you are importing. Note that you can run the test as a background task. This report also displays information about the number of deleted, updated and added files. It also displays error messages, if any. NIOS generates a results file listing the file name, action performed, date and time, result, and the number of failures at the end of the validation. You can view the results file only after the replace operation is complete.
Note: The Test button is enabled only when you select the Replace operation and is disabled for other import options.
7. Click Import to import the CSV file to the database. Click Yes in the dialog box to import the CSV file or No to cancel the operation.
8. You can view the progress and results of your import operation in the CSV Import Progress wizard. This wizard displays the following information:
- Import type: The type of import option you have selected.
- Filename: The name of the CSV file you have selected.
- Separator: The separator you have selected for your CSV file. The default value is Comma.
- On Error: The option you have selected when the import operation encounters an error.
- Current status: If an import is in progress, this field displays its current status. Otherwise, it displays the date and time of the last import.
- Last action: Displays the last operation and the admin who initiated it.
- Rows Completed: The number of rows of data the import has processed. Depending on the import options, Grid Manager displays either the row number at which it stops an import when it encounters an error or the total number of rows it has processed by skipping over the erroneous data. For example, if there are 100 rows of data and you select "On error: Stop importing," and there is an error in row 90, Grid Manager displays 90 of 100 here. If you select "On error: Skip to the next row and continue," Grid Manager displays 100 of 100 here and displays 1 in Rows with Errors.
- Rows with Errors: The number of rows of data the import has detected errors. Click Download Errors to download the CSV file that contains the fields and the rows of erroneous data. You can use this report as a reference to update the data file before you import the file again.
To cancel the import operation, click Stop Import before the operation is complete. To close the wizard and execute the operation in the background, click Close & Run in Background. When the operation is complete, you can click Download errors to download and view the errors. The Download errors button is enabled only if the operation encounters errors. Click Save & Close to save the operation and close the wizard.
Note: Superusers can view all CSV import jobs and limited-access users can view only the jobs they submitted.
Viewing CSV Import Jobs
You can view the status of import jobs. To view the status:
- From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar.
- In the CSV Job Manager wizard, click CSV Import. Grid Manager displays the following information about the import jobs that were submitted in the past 30 days:
- User Name: The admin user who submitted the CSV import. Only superusers can view this column.
- Status: The current status of the import job. The status can be one of the following:
- Import successful: The import is completed without errors. Check the Message field for information about the import.
- Import unsuccessful: The import is completed, but with errors. Check the Message field for information about the error message.
- Import pending: The job is in queue for execution.
- Import inprogress: The job is being executed.
- Import stopped: The job has been stopped. You can select the job and restart the import.
- Test successful: Test is completed without errors. Check the Message field for information about the test.
- Test unsuccessful: Test is completed, but with errors. Check the Message field for information about the error message.
- Test pending: Test is in queue for execution.
- Test inprogress: Test is in progress.
- Test stopped: Test has been stopped. You can select the job and restart the import.
- Saved file: The data file has been uploaded, but the import has not started.
Note: After a product restart, which can be caused by a failover, all Import in progress jobs go into Import stopped state; all Import pending jobs continue to be queued for execution.
- Submitted: The timestamp when the job was submitted.
- Completed: The timestamp when the job was completed. This field is blank if the job has not been completed yet.
- File Name: The CSV data file name.
- Message: This field displays the number of rows of data that have been processed and the number of rows of data the import has detected errors. Depending on the import options, Grid Manager displays the row number at which it stops the import when it encounters an error, or the total number of rows it has processed by skipping over the erroneous data. For example, if there are 100 rows of data and you select "On error: Stop importing," and there is an error in row 90, the appliance displays 90 of 100 completed, 1 error. If you select "On error: Skip to the next row and continue," the appliance displays 100 of 100 completed, 1 error.
- FileSize: The size of the imported CSV file.
Note: Superusers can view all CSV import jobs and limited-access users can view only the jobs they submitted.
Modifying CSV Import Jobs
You can modify the options of the CSV file that you have already uploaded, delete the jobs that are uploaded, or download uploaded file or error file. After you configure the import options, you can select a data file and start an import operation or upload a data file. For more information about configuring import options, see 22282565 22282565.
To edit the options of a file, complete the following:
- From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar.
- In the CSV Job Manager wizard, select CSV Import and select the import job that you want to update, click the Action icon and select Edit.
- In Edit-CSV Import Job, select a type of import and perform the operations mentioned in 2228256522282565
- Click Download to download the uploaded file, snapshot file, or the results file. For more information, see 22282565.
- Click Save & Close to save the changes.
Deleting Uploaded Jobs
You can delete import jobs that are uploaded. You cannot delete jobs that are already imported. You can delete the content of a CSV file that you have imported to the database. Note that the CSV import files and the backed up files are saved for a period of 30 days, but the size limit is set to 1 GB. If these files increase in size, NIOS removes the older files from the Grid. NIOS generates a syslog message if it encounters an error when generating the backup file.
Note: When you delete a parent object from the CSV file, the child objects associated with the parent objects are also deleted.
To delete uploaded jobs, complete the following:
- From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar.
- In the CSV Job Manager wizard, select CSV Import and select the import job that you want to delete, click the Action icon and select Delete or click the Delete pending job icon.
- Click Yes to delete the uploaded job or No to cancel the operation in the Cancel Import Job wizard.
Downloading Files
You can download various types of files based on the import operation that you have selected. You can download the following files: uploaded, error, results, and snapshot. Superusers can download the original imported file.
Downloading Uploaded or Error Files
You can download CSV files that are already uploaded or download error files to check the errors that the import operation encountered. The download options are valid for all import operations, except replace. To download the file, complete the following:
- From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar.
- In the CSV Job Manager wizard, select CSV Import and select the import job that you want to download, click the Action icon
- Uploaded File: Select this to download the uploaded CSV import file.
- Error File: Select this to download the error file. This option is enabled only if the import operation encountered an error.
and select Download.
You can export these files to your local system.
Downloading Uploaded, Snapshot, or Results Files
You can view the uploaded, result, and snapshot files. The snapshot and results files are enabled only for replace operation.
To download the file, complete the following:
- From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar.
- In the CSV Job Manager wizard, select CSV Import and select the import job that you want to download, click the Action icon and select Edit.
- In Edit - CSV Import Job, click the arrow beside the Download option and select one of the following:
- Uploaded File: Select this to download the uploaded CSV import file. The uploaded report displays the content of the imported file, before it was uploaded, that is before the content of the database is changed.
- Snapshot File: Select this to download the backup file. NIOS automatically creates a backup of the database before replacing the content of the database with the content in the imported CSV file. This option is enabled only for the replace operation. NIOS generates an error message and saves it in the syslog and the infoblox.log file when the backup file is not generated. You can download the backup file after the replace operation is complete. NIOS saves the backup file and other results file in the Grid for a period of 30 days. The name of the backup file has the following format:
csv-snapshot-10-\[view\]-\[zone\]-\[timestamp\].csv where 10 is the import ID of the CSV import task, view is the DNS view name, zone is the FQDN of the zone being replaced and timestamp is the timestamp at when the file is generated.
- Results File: Select this to download the results file. The file displays the content of the database after the content of the file replaced the content of the database. You can view the results file only after the replace operation is complete.
You can export these files to your local system.
Creating a Data File for Import
If you are migrating new data into the database, you must prepare the data file using the correct format and syntax before you can import it successfully. You must include all the required fields and understand the dependencies among some of the fields. For detailed information about the guidelines, supported record types, and interdependencies among fields, refer to the Infoblox CSV Import Reference.
Exporting Data to Files
You can export existing data to a CSV file. The appliance marks all required fields with an asterisk in the exported file. It also adds a _new_XXXX field to each required field so you can use this field to update data. You cannot stop an export once you start it.
Note: Limited-access users can export up to 2,000 rows (2,000 objects) of data. For performance reasons, NIOS has limited the objects to 2,000. If data exceeds 2,000 rows, the CSV file contains the first 2,000 rows of data and a message at the end that indicates the report is not complete. Only superusers can export data that exceeds 2,000 rows. For example, consider that you are exporting Infoblox::DNS::Host objects. The NIOS appliance displays an output file with 4,000 lines, because the Host record consists of two lines, one for the Host Record and another for the Host Address; however, the total count of objects will still remain 2,000.
To export all data to a CSV file:
- From Grid Manager, navigate to the panel that contains the data you want to export. For example, if you want to export data for all DNS zones, select the Data Management tab -> DNS tab -> Zones tab.
- In the panel, select Export data in Infoblox CSV Import format from the Export drop-down menu.
- In the Export dialog box, complete the following:
- Separator: Select the separator used in the data file. The default is Comma.
- Click Export.
The appliance exports all the fields of the records that are displayed in this panel based on your filter criteria. You can either open the data file or save it to your computer. The appliance uses a default file name depending on the panel from which you perform the export. For example, when you export the data from the IPAM tab, the default file name is Allnetworks.csv. When you export data from the DNS tab, the default file name is Allzones.csv. The file contains a header row that includes all the fields of the corresponding record type. You can update this data file, and then
re-import the data in to the database.
You can also export the displayed fields in a panel. For information, see Exporting Displayed Data.
Exporting New CSV Jobs
You can use the Global CSV Export Wizard to export multiple objects at once. You can export multiple object data types to a single CSV file through Grid Manager. Objects that have the least or no dependencies on other objects are placed at the top of the list and the most dependent objects are displayed at the bottom of the list. The export command will not re-execute after a Grid Manager HA failover.
For standalone appliances, the Grid Manager sends a single CSV export request that contains both Grid and member CSV headers to export Grid and member properties. Similarly, Grid Manager combines GridDns and MemberDns headers to export DNS properties and GridDhcp and MemberDhcp headers to export DHCP properties.
You cannot export the default DNS view if you have not created a custom DNS view. To export the default DNS view, you must either create custom DNS views or use the CSV Global Export option.
Note that when you use the Global CSV Export option to export either all objects, all DNS objects, or all PTR records, the appliance also exports the PTR system generated records from the auto-created zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa". When you use the same file for import operation, the CSV import operation might fail due to the presence of these system generated records. Infoblox recommends that you select the Skip to next row and continue option while performing the CSV import operation. When you select this option, CSV import skips these rows with appropriate error messages and then processes other rows in the CSV file.
To export DNS and DHCP data:
1. From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar.
2. In the CSV Job Manager wizard, click CSV Export. Click the New CSV Export job icon and specify the following in the Global CSV Export Wizard:
- Separator: Select a separator from the drop-down list: Comma, Semicolon, Space, and Tab.
- All Objects: The check box is selected by default. When you select this check box, all DHCP, global, and DNS objects are selected by default.
- All DHCP Objects: Select this check box to select all DHCP objects that are listed. To select specific DHCP objects, clear this check box and select respective check boxes next to the DHCP object names.
- Global Objects: Select this check box to select all global objects that are listed. To select specific global objects, clear this check box and select respective check boxes next to the global object names.
- All DNS Objects: Select this check box to select all DNS objects that are listed. To select specific DNS objects, clear this check box and select respective check boxes next to the DNS object names.
3. Click ExportD ata to start the export process. In the StartglobalCSVExport dialog box, click Yes to confirm or click No to cancel the process.
4. Grid Manager displays the CSV export progress and results in the CSVGlobalExportprogress dialog box. It displays the following information:
- Separator: The separator used in the CSV file.
- Approximate number of objects to be exported: Indicates the total number of objects to be exported.
- Number of objects exported: Indicates the total number of objects that are exported.
- Current status: Indicates the current status of the export process.
5. Click Close to exit.
Managing CSV Export Jobs
You can view the list of CSV export operations using the CSV Job Manager.
- From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar. In the CSV Job Manager wizard, click CSV Export.
- Grid Manager displays the following information:
- User Name: The admin user who submitted the CSV export. Only superusers can view this column.
- Status: The current status of the export job. The CSV export process runs in an asynchronous mode similar to the CSV import. The status can be one of the following:
- Export pending: The job is in queue for execution.
- Export running: The job is being executed.
- Export stopped: The job has been stopped. You can select the job and restart the export.
- Export completed: The export is completed without errors. Check the Message field for information about the export.
- Export failed: The export is completed, but with errors. Check the Message field for information about the error message.
- Submitted: The timestamp when the job was submitted.
- Completed: The timestamp when the job was completed. This field is blank if the job has not been completed yet.
- Failed Description: The appliance displays the error message in the Failed Description column if the CSV export fails. You cannot start a failed CSV export task.
- File Size: The size of the generated CSV file.
Completed CSV export jobs are deleted 30 days from the date of submission. You can also perform the following operations:
- Select a completed CSV export task and download the exported file.
- Cancel or stop a pending CSV export task using the Delete option.
- Purge all export tasks after an upgrade or restore.
- Start a new global CSV export job.
Modifying CSV Export Jobs
You can cancel an export job that is in progress or download an exported job. You can also schedule new export jobs. The appliance deletes the CSV jobs that are completed after 30 days from the date of submission.
To update an exported job or delete one:
- From the Data Management tab, click CSV Job Manager from the Toolbar.
- In the CSV Job Manager wizard, click CSV Export.
- Select the export job that you want to update, click the Action icon 22282565. . Click Cancel to cancel the export job that is in progress. You can also click the Cancel job icon to delete the file. Click Download file to download the exported file. For more information, see
- Click the New CSV Export job icon to export a new job. For more information, see 22282565.
- Click Close to exit.