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Configuring Topology Viewer Settings

You can configure the following in the Topology Viewer Settings:


After you change any settings, click the Reload button for the changes to apply to the current graph.

VLAN Tracing

VLAN tracing allows you to see what nodes are connected in a specified VLAN. If multiple VLANs are selected, they are given separate colors to tell them apart.

  1. In Settings -> VLAN Tracing, select one or more VLANs to be identified.
  2. Click Trace.
    This outlines the selected VLANs with a color scheme to help match them. Overlapping VLANs are indicated by dashed lines. You can also identify VLANs via mouse-over.

To clear VLANs highlighting, click Clear and then Save.

To remove a VLAN from the list of traced ones, click the X icon for each VLAN.

To remove all VLANS from the list of traced ones, click the X icon on the far right of the field.

Selected Edge Properties

You can configure the following properties here:

  • Width: The width of the selected edges.
  • Color: The color of the selected edges.

Node and Edge Properties

You can configure the following properties here:

  • Selected Node Shadow Color: The shadow color of selected nodes.
  • Node Label Color: The color of node labels.
  • Node Minimum Scale: The minimum scale for the nodes.
  • Show FQDN for Nodes: Enables the display of node labels as FQDNs.
  • List of Domain Names to Filter from Node Names: Filters out domain names specified in the field from node names. It applies if the Show FQDN for Nodes setting is set to false. For example, if you specify “” in this field, then the graph will show “node1” for a node originally named “”.
  • Show 'null' Values in Node Tooltips: Allows showing “null” values in node popup upon mouse-over.
  • Enable Smooth Edges: Enables displaying edges as curved lines, as opposed to straight lines. This makes the graph more visually appealing and is useful to visually separate edges that start and end at the same device. The image below is an example of smooth edges.

  • Edge Roundness: Allows modifying the edge roundness for smooth edges.
  • Edge Style: Enables various appearance styles for smooth edges (e.g. continuous, discrete, curved clock-wise, curved counter clock-wise, etc.).

UI Properties

You can configure the following properties here:

  • Initially Show Sidebar: Specify whether to show or hide the sidebar with device filters.
  • Show Policies Indicator: Adds an indicator icon next to nodes that have policy notices. To see policies information, mouse over the device.
  • Show Issues Indicator: Adds an indicator icon next to nodes that have issue notices. To see issues information, mouse over the device.
  • Show Changes Indicator: Adds an indicator icon next to nodes that have changes. To see changes information, mouse over the device.


    To see details for policies, issues, or changes, right-click the device and select the corresponding item.

  • Search Options: Configure the search options for device search in the graph. These include the following:
    • Device Name
    • OS Version
    • Network
    • IP
    • MAC
    • Location
    • Model
    • Vendor
    • Type

Other Properties

You can configure the following properties here:

  • Initially Load This View: Specify which view to load first when opening the Topology Viewer.
  • Cluster By: Allows you to group nodes by a specific parameter, such as location, connections, or outliers.

Topology Synchronization Properties

You can configure the following properties here:

  • Topology Synchronization: Enables the synchronization between the NetMRI databases and the Topology Viewer database. Based on this, the Topology Viewer build graphs and stores them in its database. When you open the Topology Viewer, it renders this data for you.
  • Run Topology Synchronization every: Allows you to specify a schedule for topology synchronization.
  • Sync Threshold for Large Graphs: Sets a threshold for the number of devices to be displayed on a large graph. If the node count in the Aggregate view is higher than this threshold, the graph does not display edge devices. Edge devices are nodes that have the end point count equal to zero or null. This setting does not include end hosts.
  • Edge Smoothing Threshold: This setting applies only when the Enable Smooth Edges option is turned on. It sets the maximum number of devices to be displayed in the graph. This allows avoiding performance issues related to edge smoothing in very large network topologies.