Credential Import Formats

Credential Import Formats

The syntax for credential data files imported through corresponding tabs on the following page: the Settings icon > Setup > Credentials page, and in the Setup Wizard’s Setup Wizard: CLI Credentials, Setup Wizard: SNMPv1/2 Credentials, and Setup Wizard: SNMPv3 Credentials (Rare) steps, is described in this section.

For credential import, NetMRI also accepts files previously exported from a credential settings table, ignoring any priority values in imported files. To specify a different collector in the import file, remove the UnitID column and update the Collector field.

The following table provides the list of supported credential types and their associated data types.


When importing credentials on an Operations Center, if no collector is specified in the import file, the credentials will be applied to all collectors.

SNMPv1/2 and SNMPv3 Credentials
SNMP Credentials<community string>
SNMP Vendor Defaults<community string> <tab> <vendor name>
SNMPv3 noAuthNoPriv credentials<snmpv3 user>
SNMPv3 authNoPriv credentials

<snmpv3 user> <tab> <auth protocol> <tab> <auth password>

SNMPv3 AuthPriv Credentials

<snmpv3 user> <tab> <auth protocol> <tab> <auth password> <tab> <priv protocol><tab> <privacy password>
CLI Credentials
<username> <tab> <password><username> can be empty for a line password credential.
ENABLE <tab> <password>Used for privileged mode passwords.
<username>For username-only scenarios.
<tab> <password>For password-only scenarios.
CLI Vendor Default Credentials

<username> <tab> <password> <tab> <vendor>

<Username> can be empty for a line password credential.

<Password> can be empty.

ENABLE <tab> <password> <tab> <vendor>Used for privileged mode passwords.

The supported values for <auth protocol> and <priv protocol> are available in the NetMRI Administrator Guide, under the section "SNMPv3 Credentials for Discovery and Management" at /wiki/spaces/netmri761draft/pages/885067430.

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