Configuring the NetMRI Appliance for IPv6

Configuring the NetMRI Appliance for IPv6

Users can manage NetMRI on an IPv6 network. The NetMRI Management port has its own factory default link-local IPv6 address, which is unique on its connected subnet. The default IPv6 address derives from the Ethernet MAC address of the NetMRI interface.
NetMRI operates equally well in IPv4 and IPv6 networks and reports and manages all devices running dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.

To configure a new NetMRI appliance to be managed through IPv6, do the following:

  1. Reboot Windows 10, ensure that it is enabled for IPv6 networking, and then connect it to the management (MGMT) port of the NetMRI appliance, using a standard Ethernet cable.
  2. On your PC, open a command-line window and then run the ipconfig command.
    Check the listing in the Local Area Connection section of the ipconfig display and record the interface number associated with the PC’s IPv6 Link Local address. The value will have an fe80: prefix and end with a %* designator, such as fe80::505:ac3b:49b7:dc38%15. The value 15 in this example is the interface number.
  3. At the Windows command prompt, run the netsh interface ipv6 show neighbor command.
  4. Find the Interface *: Local Area Connection section (the * corresponds to the interface number for your PC system’s IPv6 address). No entry should be present in this category for any address starting with the fe80: prefix.
    In the command line, run a multicast IPv6 ping to all nodes on the subnet on which the Management port is running. Effectively, this means you are running a multicast IPv6 ping to the single NetMRI management port connected to the PC.
  5. At the Windows command prompt, run the following command:
    ping -6 -n 5 ff02::1
    Allow the command to complete whether or not responses occur.
  6. At the Windows command prompt, run the netsh interface ipv6 show neighbor command again.
    The NetMRI Management port IPv6 link-local address should now appear in the neighbor table under the Interface xx: Local Area Connection section, similar to the following:
    fe80::230:48ff:febc:97da            00-30-48-bc-97-da    Reachable
    This is the link-local address of the NetMRI appliance’s management port.
  7. Open an SSH client session to the NetMRI CLI at the IPv6 address shown in the previous step along with the interface number. Log in with the factory default username and password (admin/admin) and then assign a globally routable static IPv6 address on the management port.
  8. In the NetMRI administrative shell, enter the configure server command.
  9. Enter a new IPv6 address for the management interface in the IPv6 Address (optional) field. The address should begin with 2001: prefix and conform to the IPv6 prefix for the network. Also enter the Primary DNS Server Address, the default gateway, and the Primary DNS Domain. For example:
    IPv4 Address (optional) []:
    IPv4 Subnet Mask (optional) []:
    IPv6 Address (optional): 2001:db8:a2:2c0:ee22::40
    IPv6 Prefix (optional): 64
    IPv4 Default Gateway (optional) []:
    IPv6 Default Gateway (optional) []:2001:db8:a2:2c0:ee22::1
    IPv4 Default Gateway (optional) []:
    IPv6 Default Gateway (optional) []:
    Primary DNS Server []: 2001:db8:a2:2c0::236
    Primary DNS Domain [qanet.local]: customer.com
  10. Save the new settings.
  11. Shut down the NetMRI unit and then physically install it in the global network. The unit is now reachable on its global static IPv6 address for further CLI configuration and UI access.

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