Installing the IPAM Driver

Installing the IPAM Driver

The Infoblox IPAM Driver for OpenStack Neutron needs to be installed on each controller node that is running the Neutron service. The Infoblox IPAM Driver for OpenStack Neutron is available from PyPi and can be installed using the pip<Python_version> install command.


The version of Python that you install for IPAM plugin for OpenStack Neutron is determined by the OpenStack version that you use. For more information, see the OpenStack Neutron versions supported by the IPAM driver table below.

Installing the Infoblox IPAM Agent

The infoblox-ipam-agent init script that is used to start the Infoblox IPAM Agent, is installed as part of the pip install command. By default, the infoblox-ipam-agent init script is installed at /usr/local/etc/init.d/infoblox-ipam-agent. To install the script in /etc/init.d, specify the --install-option as follows:

$ sudo pip3 install --install-option="--install-data=/" networking-infoblox

Latest Releases

To install the IPAM plugin for OpenStack, use the following command:

$ sudo pip3 install networking-infoblox==X.0.Y

X.0.Y represents the IPAM driver version. For example, 18.0.0.

For compatibility between the releases of the Infoblox IPAM driver and OpenStack Neutron, see the following table:

OpenStack Neutron versions supported by the IPAM driver

Release of Infoblox IPAM Driver for OpenStack NeutronOpenStack Neutron VersionSupported Python Version
18.0.0WallabyPython 3.6
19.0.0XenaPython 3.8

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