Installing the IPAM Driver

Installing the IPAM Driver

The Infoblox IPAM Driver for RHOSP needs to be installed on each controller node that is running the Neutron service. The container image of Infoblox IPAM Driver for RHOSP is available in the RedHat registry.

Latest Releases

For compatibility between the releases of the Infoblox IPAM Driver and OpenStack Neutron, see the following table:

Release of Infoblox IPAM Driver for Red Hat OpenStack NeutronRed Hat OpenStack Neutron VersionCertified by RedHat
12.0.1 (Queens)Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13 (RHOSP 13)Yes
14.0.0 (Rocky)Red Hat OpenStack Platform 14 (RHOSP 14)No


You need to upload the infoblox_ipam_agent container image to your container image source before performing the following steps. For more information about the container image source, see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/13/html-single/director_installation_and_usage/index#configuring-a-container-image-source.

Installing the networking_infoblox Package into the neutron_api Container

To install the networking_infoblox package into the neutron_api container, complete the following steps:


  • You need to run the following commands as a root user. To enter as a root user, run the command $ sudo -i
  • If the neutron_api container is replaced by a new container, then you need to run the following steps on the new container as well.
  1. Enter the following command to download get-pip.py in the neutron_api container:
    $ docker exec -u 0 neutron_api /bin/bash -c 'curl -o /tmp/get-pip.py https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py'

    If there is no internet access on the controller, copy the file locally to the controller and run the docker copy command:
    $ docker cp /tmp/get-pip.py neutron_api:/tmp/get-pip.py

  2. Enter the following command to assign execute permission to get-pip.py:
    $ docker exec -u 0 neutron_api /bin/bash -c 'chmod 755 /tmp/get-pip.py'

  3. Enter the following command to install pip in the neutron_api container:
    $ docker exec -u 0 neutron_api /bin/bash -c 'python /tmp/get-pip.py'

  4. Enter the following command to install the networking_infoblox plugin inside the neutron_api container:
    $ docker exec -u 0 neutron_api /bin/bash -c 'pip install --no-cache-dir networking_infoblox==12.0.1'

Creating Infoblox Neutron Database

The Infoblox IPAM Driver for RHOSP uses a number of different Infoblox specific tables to manage the integration. These are created by running the neutron-db-manage after you install the networking_infoblox module.

You can use the following docker command to run the database migration:

$ docker exec  neutron_api /bin/bash -c 'neutron-db-manage upgrade head'

This should be done on one of the controller nodes, assuming all controller nodes share a common database cluster.

Restarting the neutron_api Container

Enter the following commands to restart the neutron_api container:

$ docker stop neutron_api

$ docker start neutron_api

Restarting the nova_compute Container

Enter the following commands to restart the nova_compute container:

$docker stop nova_compute

$docker start nova_compute

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