Network View Mapping

Network View Mapping

When creating a new object in Infoblox NIOS, the Infoblox IPAM Driver for OpenStack Neutron must know the network view in which to create the object. This is determined using a number of EAs.

In the simplest form, you can configure the Driver to automatically create network views as needed. The first EA that needs to be set is the Default Network View Scope. This EA defines the default mapping to network view when no mapping exists within the Infoblox system. This can be any of the following values:

  • Single: This means that any time a pre-existing mapping cannot be found, the resulting object should be placed within a single, specific network view. That view should be specified with another EA Default Network View.
  • Tenant: This means that any time a pre-existing mapping cannot be found, the resulting object should be placed within a network view determined by the OpenStack tenant that owns the object. If no network view tagged with that Tenant ID exists, then a new network view is created with the name tenant_name.tenant_id.
  • Address Scope: This means that any time a pre-existing mapping cannot be found, the resulting object should be placed within a network view determined by the OpenStack address scope associated with the object.
  • Network: This means that any time a pre-existing mapping cannot be found, the resulting object should be placed within a network view determined by the OpenStack network. This is rarely used and primarily is provided for use in automated testing, where the same tenant may create multiple OpenStack Network entities with overlapping subnets.
  • Subnet: This means that any time a pre-existing mapping cannot be found, the resulting object should be placed within a network view determined by the OpenStack subnet. This is rarely used, but can be necessary for certain deployments that utilize SDN plug-ins that allow spanning subnets across OpenStack Neutron installations.

Alternatively, You can pre-define mappings by creating a network view and then tagging it with the name of a tenant, address scope, or network, in addition to CIDR of a subnet. This can be done by creating the following EAs on a network view object. Each of these EAs allows multiple values to be specified. This includes:

  • Subnet CIDR Mapping: If a created subnet matches one of the CIDR values specified in this EA, the subnet is created under this network view.
  • Subnet ID Mapping: If the ID of a created subnet matches one of the values specified in this EA, the subnet is created under this network view.
  • Network Name Mapping: If the name of a network matches one of the values specified in this EA, the subnets within the network are created under this network view.
  • Network ID Mapping: If the ID of a network matches one of the values specified in this EA, the subnets within the network are created under this network view.
  • Tenant Name Mapping: If the name of a tenant matches one of the values specified in this EA, objects within the tenant are created under this network view.
  • Tenant ID Mapping: If the ID of a tenant matches one of the values specified in this EA, objects within the tenant are created under this network view.
  • Address Scope Name Mapping: If the name of an address scope matches one of the values specified in this EA, objects within the address scope are created under this network view.
  • Address Scope ID Mapping: If the ID of an address scope matches one of the values specified in this EA, objects within the address scope are created under this network view.


When the Grid Master is not connected while using the Driver with a CP member, make sure that the “Default Network View” EA value is set to “Delegated Network View” for the corresponding CP member.

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