Creating Extensible Attribute Definitions and Network View Associations

Creating Extensible Attribute Definitions and Network View Associations

The Infoblox IPAM Driver for RHOSP uses a variety of Extensible Attributes (EAs) to manage its configuration. The needed extensible attributes may be created automatically using the create_ea_defs.py script inside the IPAM agent container. To run the python scripts inside the Infoblox IPAM agent container, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the following command to enter the container:
    $ docker exec -it infoblox_ipam_agent /bin/bash

  2. Enter the path of the networking_infoblox python package:
    $ cd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/networking_infoblox/tools

  3. Run the create_ea_defs.py file:
    $ python create_ea_defs.py

The script prompts you for the user name and password of an Infoblox NIOS admin user, which is needed to create the EA definitions.

The script also prompts you for association or un-association of network views to OpenStack. This is an important step. You can use this script to select network views explicitly to use in OpenStack. An associated network view will have Cloud Adapter ID EAs stored on that network view. The Cloud Adapter ID is equivalent to cloud_data_center_id defined in neutron.conf.

To exit the IPAM agent container, press Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Q in your keyboard.

If you use the Driver with Cloud Platform (CP), you should run create_ea_defs.py on the Grid Master:

  1. Configure neutron.conf with the Grid Master details and administrator user.
  2. Run create_ea_defs.py.
  3. Change neutron.conf config to point to the CP member. User details can be changed to the Cloud User. If you have multiple OpenStack deployments for the same Grid Master, then this is needed only for the first RHOSP deployment.

The following are lists for Extensible Attributes:

Address Scope ID MappingStringMapping
Address Scope Name MappingStringMapping
Admin Network DeletionListGrid Configuration
Allow Service RestartListGrid Configuration
Allow Static Zone DeletionListGrid Configuration
Cloud Adapter IDStringGrid Configuration
DHCP SupportListGrid Configuration
DNS Record Binding TypesStringGrid Configuration
DNS Record Removable TypesStringGrid Configuration
DNS Record Unbinding TypesStringGrid Configuration
DNS SupportListGrid Configuration
DNS ViewStringGrid Configuration
Default Domain Name PatternStringGrid Configuration
Default Host Name PatternStringGrid Configuration
Default Network View ScopeListGrid Configuration
Default Network ViewStringGrid Configuration
External Domain Name PatternStringGrid Configuration
External Host Name PatternStringGrid Configuration
Grid Sync Maximum Wait TimeIntegerGrid Configuration
Grid Sync Minimum Wait TimeIntegerGrid Configuration
Grid Sync SupportListGrid Configuration
IP Allocation StrategyListGrid Configuration
Is Cloud MemberListGrid Membership
Last Grid Sync TimeStringGrid Sync Report
NS GroupStringGrid Configuration
Network ID MappingStringMapping
Network Name MappingStringMapping
Network TemplateStringGrid Configuration
Relay SupportListGrid Configuration
Report Grid Sync TimeListGrid Configuration
Subnet CIDR MappingStringMapping
Subnet ID MappingStringMapping
Tenant ID MappingStringMapping
Tenant Name MappingStringMapping
Tenant Name PersistenceListGrid Configuration
Tenant NameStringTenant Name in OpenStack
Use Grid Master for DHCPListGrid Configuration
Zone Creation StrategyListGrid Configuration

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