provisiondisk command

provisiondisk command

Use the provisiondisk command to extend the NetMRI VM storage per volume. The NetMRI volumes and their sizes are shown on the Settings icon > Database Settings > Storage Management page.
For more details, go to Administrator Guide > Storage Management section.
To simplify restoration of backups, use the provisiondisk command to automate the extension of partitions compatible with NetMRI versions 7.5.4 to 7.6.0.
To extend partitions from a backup file, run the provisiondisk command with option provisiondisk [<filepath>]. Alternatively, use it as a customized approach for expanding existing volumes.

When a NetMRI appliance is in an HA pair, the provisiondisk command is disabled by default. If an additional extension for hard drive space is required for this appliance, run the provisiondisk command.
To run the command on the virtual appliances of an HA pair, follow the steps below:

  1. Disable HA.

  2. Run the provisiondisk command on both appliances.

  3. Enable HA.


Both appliances of the pair must have identical configurations for hard drive space. If this condition is not met, you cannot enable HA on the pair.

The NetMRI volumes and their sizes are displayed on the Settings icon > Database Settings > Storage Management page. For more information, see Storage Management.


You cannot undo the storage extension.



Do not detach hard disks that you already attached and added to the NetMRI storage. This may result in a broken NetMRI appliance.


The following is the command syntax:



hostname> provisiondisk                                                                                                                                                                                                
Do you want to provision disks? (y/n) [n]: y
Unused disks found.
You can select a disk to attach to NetMRI storage:
Please select a disk to add to NetMRI storage (0 to exit provision):
1 /dev/sdb (17612.8 MB)
Enter disk number: 1

*** Adding '/dev/sdb' to NetMRI storage ***
Creating partition: Device /dev/sdb1 has been successfully added to NetMRI storage.
This machine has 23 gigabytes of unused space.
Do you want to extend partitions? (y/n) [n]: y
Please select storage to provision (0 to exit provision):
1 - Backup Storage
2 - Database Storage
3 - Log Storage
4 - Application Storage
5 - Temporary Storage
6 - OS storage
1 - 6 [1]> 3
Space to add to Log Storage in gigabytes. (0 to exit provisioning): 16

Will add 16 GB to Log Storage
Are you sure? This action cannot be undone. (y/n) [n]: y
Shutting down NetMRI: OK
Extending 'log_storage' volume: OK
Resizing filesystem (this may take a while, please be patient): OK

*** Disk space successfully provisioned ***
Starting NetMRI: OK

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