Viewing Approval Workflows
Grid Manager lists all approval workflows in the Approval Workflows tab. Only superusers can view approval workflows defined for the Grid. Limited-access users cannot view approval workflows.
To view approval workflows:
From the Administration tab, select the Workflow tab -> Approval Workflows tab.
Grid Manager displays the following for each approval workflow:
Submitter Group: The name of the admin group whose tasks require approvals.
Approver Group: The name of the admin group that can approve tasks submitted by members of the submitter group.
Ticket Number: Displays whether the submitter is required to enter a ticket number when submitting tasks that require approvals. Possible values are Not Used, Optional, and Required.
Submitter Comment: Displays whether the submitter is required to enter a comment when submitting tasks that require approvals. Possible values are Not Used, Optional, and Required.
Approver Comment: Displays whether the approver is required to enter a comment when approving tasks. Possible values are Not Used, Optional, and Required.
Site: Values that were entered for this predefined extensible attribute.
You can do the following in this tab:
Modify some of the data in the table. Double click a row, and either modify the data in the field or select an item from a drop-down list. Click Save to save the changes. Note that some fields are read-only.
Sort the data in ascending or descending order by column.
Select an approval workflow and click the Edit icon to modify data, or click the Delete icon to delete it.
Use filters and the GoTo function to narrow down the list. With the autocomplete feature, you can just enter the first few characters of an object name in the Go to field and select the object from the possible matches.
Create a quick filter to save frequently used filter criteria. For information about using quick filters, see Finding and Restoring Data.
Print and export the data in this tab.