The NIOS CLI expert mode allows users to run standard Linux commands in a secured environment. The objective is to have a similar “look and feel” syntax as running the commands in Linux.
Infoblox applies some restrictions to these commands based on security policies. Commands could fail due to policy violation. For information about restrictions for each command, refer to the corresponding section in this document.
Following are the available Linux commands:
1. Network commands
• tcpdump
• dig
• traceroute
• rndc
2. Statistics commands
• sar
• iostat
• vmstat
• netstat
3. System tools
• ps
• grep
• less
The CLI expert mode is run in a jailed environment. Therefore, no real file access is allowed. Attempting to access the file will generate an error. For example, the grep
command can only read from stdin, and specifying a FILE argument is prohibited.
Expert Mode > ls
unknown command 'ls'
type 'help' for more information
Expert Mode > ps | grep root /etc/passwd
access to ‘/etc/passwd’ not allowed
Command syntax has not been changed from standard Linux commands; but if any option violates the command restrictions, the command will fail. Commands can fail due to reasons such as permission denied and operation not permitted.