Uploading the vNIOS Image to Azure Stack Hub
After converting the dynamically sized, VHD-formatted vNIOS image into a fixed-size VHD image, use AzCopy or another command-line utility to upload the converted image to the Microsoft Azure Blob storage.
Ensure that the image you upload is 250 GB in size. If this requirement is not met, the deployment will fail.
To upload the converted vNIOS image to the Blob storage, complete the procedures described in this section.
Installing AzCopy
To install and set up AzCopy, complete the following steps:
Download the AzCopy V10 compressed file to your local system from the following location and extract it:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-use-azcopy-v10#download-azcopySet the
environment variable to2017-11-09
Configuring the API version profile allows the command-line utility to connect to Azure Stack Hub. If the API version profile that is specific to Azure Stack Hub is not set, the utility will try to connect to the Azure public cloud instead.
To set, go to the path where the executable file of AzCopy is located and run the following command based on the operating system:
Operating System | Command |
Windows | From the command prompt: From Azure PowerShell: |
Linux |
Mac |
Generating a Shared-Access Signature Token
You will use the shared-access signature token to authorize access to your Blob storage. To generate, complete the following steps:
Log in on your page of the Microsoft Azure Stack Hub portal: https://adminportal.<regionname>.<FQDN>.
Go to Dashboard > Storage accounts > storage account.
Select the container where you will store the image.
In the Settings section, click Shared access signature.
Select Allowed resources types, and verify that Container is selected.
In the panel on the right, go to the Start and expiry date/time section and specify when the token's validity must start and expire.
Do not modify the default configuration for the remaining fields.
Select Allowed protocols.
In the Signature key drop-down list, choose the required signature key.
Click Generate SAS and connection string.
Copy the token in the SAS token field.
Uploading the vNIOS Image
To upload the converted vNIOS image to the Blob storage by using AzCopy, run the following command:.\azcopy cp "/path/to/file.vhd" "https://account.blob.core.windows.net/[container]/[SAS_token]"
: The path where the converted VHD image is located.container
: The path of the Blob storage container to which you will copy the image.SAS_token
: The generated shared-access signature token that you must append to the container URL.
The command takes a few minutes to upload the converted image to the Blob storage. After the upload, proceed to deploy a VM instance from the Azure CLI or the Azure Stack Hub portal.