Manage or Unmanage Assets

Manage or Unmanage Assets

Asset Inventory shows assets that are Managed or Unmanaged. You can change the status of one or more assets.

To change the status of the asset to Unmanaged, do the following:

  1. Go to Monitor > Monitor.

  2. Click Assets at the bottom of the page to access the Assets workspace.

  3. Click the menu at the upper right hand corner and select Managed Assets.

  4. The list of all the assets is displayed.

  5. Select one or more assets and click Unmanaged.


To change the status of the asset to Managed, do the following:

  1. Go to Monitor > Monitor.

  2. Click Assets at the bottom of the page to access the Assets workspace.

  3. Click the menu at the upper right hand corner and select Unmanaged Assets.

  4. The list of all the assets is displayed.

  5. Select one or more assets and click Manage.

If you select one asset, an option Select first 500 Assets appears. Click the option to select the first 500 assets and modify the status to Managed or Unmanaged in bulk.

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