DNS Records Classification Detailed View

DNS Records Classification Detailed View

When you drill down to the detail view of the DNS Records Classification, the Infoblox Portal displays the following information.

Table View

  • Name: The name that was given to the asset when it was created.

  • Zone: The name of the DNS Zone.

  • Record Type: The type of resource record (for example, A, PTR, SRV, CNAME).

  • Classification Type: Dangling, Abandoned, or Untrusted.

  • Data: The DNS record data.

  • Record Source: Static or Dynamic.

  • DNS Provider: Name of the DNS Provider. For example, AWS.

  • Last Queried: The timestamp of when the last query occurred.

Data Insights Panel

In the Data Insights panel on the Detail View page, the Infoblox Portal includes mini monitors that display data for specific classification of assets. Use the down arrow in the panel to scroll down and view all mini monitors.

  • DNS Record Classification: This mini monitor displays the distribution of DNS records classified as Dangling, Abandoned, or Untrusted. Click a specific classification in the monitor and the Portal displays the records of that particular classification in the table view.

  • Record Type: This mini monitor displays the distribution of DNS records types. Click a specific type in the monitor and the Portal displays the records of that particular type in the table view.

  • Zone: This mini monitor displays the distribution of DNS zones. Click a specific zone in the monitor and the Portal displays the data of that particular in the table view.


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