Assets by Classification Detail View

Assets by Classification Detail View

When you drill down to the detail view of the Asset by Classification, the Infoblox Portal displays the following information.

Table View

  • Name: The name that was given to the asset when it was created.

  • Vendor: The name of the provider or vendor that hosts or supports the asset, such as Azure, AWS, and GCP.

  • Location: The location in which the asset resides, such as East US (Virginia), West US (California), and others.

  • Type: The type of asset, such as Load Balancer, Network, and others.

  • IP Address: The IP address of the asset.

  • Classification: The asset classification, such as Zombie Assets in this case.

  • SubClassification: The sub classification of the asset. For example, you may see Idle Load Balancer or Idle Public IP as sub classification.

  • Last Seen: The most recent time the asset was active or online.

You can also choose the following fields to be displayed in the table:

  • First Seen: The first time the asset was discovered.

  • Location Type: The location of the asset, whether on-premise or cloud.

  • MAC address: The discovered MAC address of the asset.

  • Source: The vendor from which the asset was originated.

  • Cloud Account ID: For cloud assets, this is the account ID that was given to the asset when it was first created.

  • Operating System: The operating system running on the asset.

  • Provider: The service provider or organization that provides services for the asset.

  • DHCP Fingerprint: If applicable, the DHCP fingerprint for the asset.

  • Confidence: The confidence level of the zombie asset.

  • Registration Status: The registration status of the asset. For zombie assets, this field is blank.

  • Missing Records: The records that are missing from the asset.

Data Insights Panel

In the Data Insights panel on the Detail View page, the Infoblox Portal includes mini monitors that display data for specific classification of assets. Use the down arrow in the panel to scroll down and view all mini monitors.

  • Assets by Classification: This mini monitor classifies zombie assets and displays the total number of zombie assets for each classification. For example, you can see the total number of assets under Resource Utilization, Orphan, and Idle.

  • Zombie Assets by Type: This mini monitor displays the total number of zombie assets and the count of assets in each category. Click a specific category in the monitor and the Portal displays the zombie assets in that category in the table view.

  • Assets by Location: This mini monitor displays the distribution of zombie assets by location. You can see the percentage of zombie assets in their specific region. Click a specific region in the monitor and the Portal displays the zombie assets in that region in the table view.

  • Assets by Provider: This mini monitor displays the distribution of zombie assets by provider. You can view the percentage of zombie assets by applicable providers. Click a specific provider in the monitor and the Portal displays the zombie assets for that provider in the table view.

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