AWS - General

AWS - General

  • In the General step of the Create Discovery Job Configuration wizard, configure the following:

    • State: Toggle Enabled (green) or Disabled (blue). By default, AWS discovery is Enabled.

    • Name: Specify a name for the network discovery configuration. The name should only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore.

    • Description: Specify a description for the network discovery configuration.

    • Sync Interval: Choose the sync interval from the drop-down. Choose Auto if you want the Infoblox Portal to choose the sync interval automatically. The default sync interval is 15 minutes.

    • Credentials: The following settings are configured in the Credentials pane:

      • Account Preference: Select the account preference from the drop-down. Choose Single or Auto-Discover Multiple.

      • Type of access: Select the type of access from the drop-down. There are three options:

        • Principal ID + Role ARN: If you choose this option, you must specify the Principal ID and the Role ARN:

          • Principal ID: For Principal ID based authentication choose Principal ID to grant access for permission and External ID. The Principal ID and External ID will be required for configuring permissions in your AWS Account. For more information, see Cross account access in AWS. When using the Principal ID option, use AWS Account ID 902917483333 to grant the access permissions. As part of permission required for credentials, provide at least read-only permission to the AWS user whose credentials will be used.

          • AWS Role ARN: Specify the AWS Role ARN. The AWS Role ARN cannot be edited once it is created.

        • Static Credentials: If you choose this option, you must select the credentials from the drop-down or create new credentials. For more information on creating new credentials, see Creating AWS Credentials.

        • Static Credential + Role ARN: If you choose this option, you must choose the Credentials and the Role ARN:

          • Credentials: Select the credentials from the drop-down or create new credentials. For more information on creating new credentials, see Creating AWS Credentials.

          • AWS Role ARN: Specify the AWS Role ARN. The AWS Role ARN cannot be edited once it is created.

  • Click Next.

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