Network Insight - Credentials

Network Insight - Credentials

In the Credentials step, specify the credentials for SNMPv1/v2, SNMPv3, and/or CLI. SNMP protocols provide a powerful means of querying devices for broad arrays of information. The CLI discovery feature is required for port control tasks including port configuration and network provisioning and de-provisioning, but is not used for other discovery operations or to otherwise manage devices.

Configuring SNMPv1/v2 Credentials

An SNMPv1/v2 community string is similar to a password in that the discovered device accepts queries only from management systems that send the correct community string. This community string must exactly match the value that is entered in the managed system.

In the SNMPv1/v2 Credentials section, choose the credentials from the drop-down.

Alternatively, click Create Credential and specify the following:

  • Name: Specify a name for the credential.

  • Description: Provide a brief description.

  • Community String: Enter a text string that the management system sends together with its queries to the network device during discovery.

  • Tags: Click Add to associate keys with the view and specify the following details:

    • KEY: Enter a meaningful name for the key, such as a location or a department.  

    • VALUE: Enter a value for the key such as San Jose or Accounts.

      To remove a tag, select the respective check box and click Remove to delete the associated tag. For information about tags, see Managing Tags

Click Save & Close.

Configuring SNMPv3 Credentials

SNMPv3 allows the use of two secret keys for every credential — one for authentication and another for encryption. Network Insight allows flexible application of keys — authentication but no encryption, for example. You define users in one of the three following ways:

  • SNMPv3 user with no authentication or privacy credentials.

  • SNMPv3 user with authentication but no privacy credentials.

  • SNMPv3 user with both authentication and privacy credentials.

In the SNMPv3 Credentials section, choose the credentials from the drop-down.

Alternatively, click Create Credential and specify the following:

  • Name: Specify a name for the credential.

  • Description: Provide a description.

  • Username: Enter the username for the credential.

  • Authentication Protocol: Select one of the supported authentication protocols. Choose one of the authentication protocol from the drop-down.

  • Authentication Password: The password to use with the authentication protocol. This field is enabled only if you choose an authentication protocol from the drop-down.

  • Privacy Protocol: Select one of the supported privacy protocols.

  • Privacy Password: The password to use with the privacy protocol. This field is enabled only if you choose one of the privacy protocols from the drop-down.

  • Community String: Enter a text string that the management system sends together with its queries to the network device during discovery. This field is enabled only if you choose one of the privacy protocols from the drop-down.

  • Tags: Click Add to associate keys with the view and specify the following details:

    • KEY: Enter a meaningful name for the key, such as a location or a department.  

    • VALUE: Enter a value for the key such as San Jose or Accounts.

      To remove a tag, select the respective check box and click Remove to delete the associated tag. For information about tags, see Managing Tags

Click Save & Close.

Configuring CLI Credentials

For CLI credentials, you define a global set of username/password tuples, as well as Enable passwords.


You can test username/password credentials or an Enable password credential. You can also combine a username/password credential and an Enable password credential as part of the same test.

In the CLI Credentials section, choose the credentials from the drop-down.

Alternatively, click Create Credential and specify the following:

  • Name: Specify a name for the credential.

  • Description: Provide a description.

  • Login Type: Choose one of the following options:

    • SSH: SSH credentials require both a username and a password. If you choose this option, both User Name and Password are mandatory.

    • Telnet: In Network Insight, Telnet credentials must use both a username and a password. Note that should you choose to use a Telnet-based credential, Network Insight requires both the username and password for the login account. If you choose this option, both User Name and Password are mandatory.

    • Both: Select this to execute the enable password verification for network devices that ask for an enable password in the privilege mode when you log in using either the SSH or Telnet protocol. If you choose this option, both User Name and Password are mandatory.

    • Enable: Select this to use the enable password verification for network devices that ask for an enable password in the privilege mode. If you choose this option, the User Name is optional, and the Password is mandatory.

    • EnableSSH: If Enable is selected, to execute the enable password verification for network devices that ask for an enable password in the privilege mode when you log in using the SSH protocol. If you choose this option, both User Name and Password are mandatory.

    • EnableTelnet: If Enable is selected, to execute the enable password verification for network devices that ask for an enable password in the privilege mode when you log in using the Telnet protocol. If you choose this option, both User Name and Password are mandatory.

  • USERNAME: Enter the username for the CLI login account.

  • PASSWORD: Enter the login password for the CLI login account.

  • Tags: Click Add to associate keys with the view and specify the following details:

    • KEY: Enter a meaningful name for the key, such as a location or a department.  

    • VALUE: Enter a value for the key such as San Jose or Accounts.

      To remove a tag, select the respective check box and click Remove to delete the associated tag.  For information about tags, see Managing Tags

Click Save & Close.

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