Enrollment of Mobile Using Workspace One MDM

Enrollment of Mobile Using Workspace One MDM

This guide outlines the steps for enrolling the Infoblox Mobile Endpoint app using Workspace One MDM, configuring assignment groups, and managing application deployment for iOS and Android devices.

Important Notes

  • Authorization Changes:

    • Infoblox Endpoint iOS version 2.0.7 and above and Android version 1.0.10 and above use joinToken instead of customerId for authorization.

    • Infoblox Endpoint Android version 1.0.9 and below requires the customerId attribute value in the app configuration.

    • Older app versions will automatically update to the latest version, while new installations require updating the joinToken in the app configuration.

    • For existing devices with older version of the app, the update to latest version is automatic. For fresh installations on new devices, the joinToken should be updated in the app configuration settings.

    • Maintain both customerId and joinToken during the transition period until all devices are updated to 1.0.10 or above.

Steps for Enrolling the Infoblox Mobile App

  1. You will receive an email from AirWatch (noreply@awmdm.com) containing your login credentials and the server name for the Mobile Intelligent Hub application.

  2. The Infoblox Mobile Endpoint app will be installed on your device using the Mobile Intelligent Hub application.

  3. Download and install the Intelligent Hub app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, depending on your device’s operating system.

  4. Open the Intelligent Hub app and provide your email address.

  5. Enter your username and password when prompted, then tap Next.

    • You can change the password using the email you received in Step 1.

The Enter Email Address screen. Alternatvely a server name or a QR code can be used to begin the enrollment process
Image: The Enter Email Address screen. Alternatvely a server name or a QR code can be used to begin the enrollment process
Image: The Confirmation screen acknowledging adding of the email address. 

6. Set up your profile by tapping Download profile. A browser window will open and a profile will get downloaded to your device. 

Image: The Profile Set-up screen. 

For iOS:

a. On the Settings screen, navigate to Settings and click the downloaded profile.
b. Install the profile on your device (View Profile > Install > Enter Passcode > Install).
c. Once the profile is installed, the device is enrolled in the MDM.

For Android:

a. On the Settings screen, navigate to Settings and click the downloaded profile.
b. Install the profile on your device (View Profile > Install > Enter Passcode > Install).
c. Tap Create to set up a work profile.
d. Proceed with the console.
e. A work profile with a set of applications will be created once the connection with the MDM is established.

Image: The Settings screen. 
Image: The Install Profile screen. 

Creating an Assignment Group

An assignment group must be created so that devices can be grouped together. To group devices for streamlined management, create an assignment group:

1, Navigate to Groups & Settings > Groups > Assignment Groups.

The Groups screen displaying where to begin the group assignment process.
Image: The Groups screen displaying where to begin the group assignment process.

2. On the Create New Smart Group screen, provide a name for the group.

3. Tap Devices or Users.

The Create New Smart Group screen where new devices and users can be added.
Image: The Create New Smart Group screen where new devices and users can be added.

4. Under Devices, select the desired device(s) to assign, then tap ADD to include them in your configuration. Repeat this step to add more devices.
5. Tap Save to save your configuration. 

Installing an Application


  • The mobile device must be registered with MDM.

  • An assignment group must have been created.

Steps to Create a New App (iOS):

1, Navigate to Apps and Books > Native > Private.
2. Tap Application File.

Image: The Applications List View screen. 

3. Upload the provided application file (.ipa) and tap Next.
4. Tap Save & Assign. A new window will open for additional configuration.


Steps to Create a New App (Android):

  1. Navigate to Apps and Books > Native > Public.

Image: The Add Application screen.


Image: Selecting a private app on the Add Application screen. 

3. Select the platform and provide the application name. Tap Next
4. From the app store window, select Private Apps.
5. Tap the Plus symbol to upload the application file (.apk) and tap Next.

Image: Adding an application in the Public tab of the Applications screen. 

6. Follow the wizard to configure the application.

  • On the Add Application screen, enter the assignment name and select the appropriate assignment from the dropdown menu.

Image: The Distribution screen. 

7. On the Distribution screen, configure restrictions (e.g., prevent the user from uninstalling the app), then tap Create. Select any options and tap Create again.
8. Apply the app configuration under the Application Configuration tab.

The Application Configuration screen where confirmation of the application being installed on devices can be viewed.
Image: The Application Configuration screen where confirmation of the application being installed on devices can be viewed.

9. A list of devices to which the application is installed will appear.
10.Tap Publish to complete the process.

Installing an Existing Application


  • Mobile device must be registered with MDM.

  • An assignment group must have been created.

If the application is already being used by some users, and we want to add the application to other devices, complete the following steps:


  1. Navigate to Apps and Books > Native > Public.

  2. Click the Edit icon for the desired application.

  3. Click Save & Assign. A wizard will open for assignment.

  4. Click Add Assignment.

    • Enter the assignment name and select the appropriate assignment from the dropdown menu.

    • Configure any options as required.

  5. Click Save & Publish.

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