Updating an Imported Custom List
Updating an Imported Custom List
When replacing a custom list, the system purges the current custom list and replaces it with the newly selected CSV file with the new updates added. Do note that the former list is replaced, not updated. To replace a custom list CSV file, complete the following:
- On the Custom Lists page, click Import at the top Action bar.
- In the Import Custom List dialog, complete the following:
- Select the Replace List button.
- List Name: Click on Select List. Choose a list from the drop-down menu or run a search for a specific custom list by entering its name in the search field.
- You can either drag the CSV file you are replacing the current file with by dragging it into the “Drag file here” space or click Select file and navigate to the file to upload it. Note that you must include the required field domain in the header of the file to ensure a successful import. See sample_custom_list_import.csv for guidance on how to format the CSV file.
- Click Import to import the file.
Image: The Import Custom List dialog window.
- It is not possible to perform PATCH operations on the custom lists using the Bulk Import feature.
- The update related operations does not insert the new domains present in the import file while keeping the existing ones. Instead, it will update the custom list itself by replacing all the existing domains with the domains present in the import file.
To view information on custom lists, see the following:
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