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Reconfiguring the Operation Center HA Pair

To reconfigure the Operation Center HA pair, complete the following:

  1. Log in to the Operation Center CLI as admin.
  2. Run the reset tunserver command:

    oc (primary)> reset tunserver

    Notice: This operation will clear all Tunnel CA, server, and client

    configuration and shut down the Tunnel service.

    Continue? (y/n) [n]: y

    +++ Stopping OpenVPN Server ... OK

    +++ Configuring OpenVPN Service ... OK

    +++ Clearing Server Config ...OK

    +++ Clearing CA Config ... OK

    Launching "failover tunserver reset" on ""...

    The server needs to be restarted for these changes to take effect.

    Do you wish to restart the server now? (y/n) [y]: y

    +++ Restarting Server ... OK

  3. Run the configure tunserver command and configure it with OC VIP address (Server Public Virtual Name or VIP address):

    oc (primary)> config tunserver

    +++ Configuring CA Settings

    CA key expiry in days [5475]:

    CA key size in bits [2048]:

    +++ Configuring Server Settings

    Server key expiry in days [5475]:

    Server key size in bits [2048]:

    Server Public Virtual Name or VIP address []: <- By default it will be already oc VIP

    Select tunnnel IP protocol. 'udp' recommended for better performance.

    Protocol (udp, udp6, tcp) [udp]:

    Tunnel network /24 base []:

    Block cipher:

    0. None (RSA auth)

    1. Blowfish-CBC

    2. AES-128-CBC

    3. Triple DES

    4. AES-256-CBC

    Enter Choice [2]:

    Use compression [y]:

    Use these settings? (y/n) [n]: y

    +++ Initializing CA (may take a minute) ...

    +++ Creating Server Params and Keypair ...

    Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit long safe prime, generator 2

    This is going to take a long time

As the result, the Operation Center obtained the new server IP address (failover VIP).