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Custom Issue Help File Storage

Issue help files are stored in the Backup/IssueHelp directory as a collection of subdirectories, with each subdirectory devoted to a single issue. This allows multiple help files to be associated with each issue and allows help files to be written in multiple languages.

The subdirectory name associated with each issue consists of the issue title with all non-alphanumeric characters removed. For example, the help files associated with the "Cisco Running Config Not Saved" issue would be stored in the CiscoRunningConfigNotSaved subdirectory, while the help associated with the "Bad Telnet / SSH Password" issue would be stored in the BadTelnetSSHPassword subdirectory.

All the help files stored in the subdirectory associated with a given issue are displayed as hyperlinks in the list. Each hyperlink label is derived from the name of the issue help file it references and includes any spaces and special symbols.

Issue help file names must conform to the Unix filename convention, which does not allow certain characters, notably "/".