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Creating Custom Issues

NetMRI automatically clears all custom Issue instances from the Network Analysis > Issues page precisely 24 hours after each of the Issues appear, as the result of the executed jobs or scripts run by the administrator. Following the erasure of the Issue instance, the Issue associated with the job will appear again only when the job executes.

Create and manage custom issues from the Config Management tab > Job Management > Custom Issues page.

Perl and CCS Scripts can reference custom issues to bring attention to conditions discovered during script processing. Check the Comprehensive Issue List under Additional Documentation in online Help for more detailed Issue listings. It is possible that an Issue already exists for script reporting purposes.

To create a new custom issue, complete the following:

  1. At the top right of the page, click New. The Add Command Script Issue window opens.

  2. Enter a unique Issue ID. Spaces are not permitted within this field. Underline characters are permissible. This value appears in the Issue ID column of the Custom Issues table.

  3. Enter a Name for the issue.

  4. Enter a Description for the issue. This text will appear in a pop-up when the cursor hovers over the issue's name where it appears in a table.

  5. Select a Component to which this issue applies.

  6. Specify an optional penalty by enabling Correctness and/or Stability. If enabled, this issue is included in analysis calculations for the specified Component.

  7. In the Detail Columns field, specify the name(s) and type(s) of columns that will appear in the details table for the issue.

    Enter one column name and type per line, delimited by a comma. For example, Host, integer. Do not insert any spacebar characters between the column name and type, or you will receive an invalid type message from NetMRI. Column names are referenced by the script (via the Issue-Details attribute) to specify the information to include in the details table. Valid types are string and integer.

To copy a custom issue, complete the following:

  1. In the Actions column, click the icon and choose Copy from the menu.

  2. In the Copy Custom Issue dialog, enter a unique custom ID (spaces not permitted) for the copy, then click OK. To edit a custom issue, go to the Actions column, click the icon and choose Edit from the menu.

To delete a custom issue, go to the Actions column, click the icon and choose Delete from the menu then confirm the deletion.