Managing DHCP Data

Managing DHCP Data

This section explains how to view IPv4 and IPv6 networks, active leases, network objects and modify IPv4 and IPv6 DHCP data .


Viewing IPv4 and IPv6 Networks

From the Data Management tab, select the DHCP tab> select the Networks tab.

The panel displays the following network information for the Grid.

  • Network: The network address.

  • Grid: The name of the Grid managed by the Multi-Grid Manager, or the Grid to which the network belongs.

  • Network View: The network view to which the network belongs.

  • Comment: Information about the network.

  • DHCP Utilization: It displays the percentage of the total DHCP utilization of the network. This is the percentage of the total number of DHCP leases in the network versus the total number of IP addresses (excluding IP addresses in the exclusion range).

  • Site: The site to which the DHCP object belongs. This is one of the predefined extensible attributes.

  • Disabled: Indicates if the network is disabled or not.

  • IPAM Utilization: This information is available for IPv4 networks only. It displays the percentage based on the IP addresses in use divided by the total addresses in the network. For example, in a /24 network, if there are 25 static IP addresses defined and a DHCP range that includes 100 addresses, the total number of IP addresses in use is 125. Of the possible 256 addresses in the network, the IPAM utilization is about 50% for this network. The appliance updates the IPAM utilization data every 15 minutes for a network.

Viewing Active Leases

From the Data Management tab, select the DHCP tab, select the Active Leases tab.

This section displays the following information:

  • IP Address: The IP address the appliance assigns to a DHCP client for this lease.

  • Protocol: Indicates whether the lease is for an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

  • Start: The day, date, and time when the state of the lease starts.

  • End: The day, date, and time when the state of the lease ends.

  • Fingerprint: The name of the DHCP fingerprint or vendor ID of the DHCP client that was identified through DHCP fingerprint detection. This field displays No Match for devices that do not have any DHCP fingerprint information.

  •  MAC address: The MAC address of the DHCP client that received the lease for an IPv4 address.

  • Network View: The network view to which the network belongs to in the sub grid.

  • State: The binding state of the active and static lease.

  • Grid: The name of the Grid managed by the Multi-Grid Manager, or the Grid to which the network block belongs.

  • Member: The grid member (for IPv4 leases only) that granted the lease.

  • DUID: The DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) of the DHCP client that received the lease for an IPv6 address.

Modifying IPv4 and IPv6 Networks

You can only modify the comments and extensible attributes. To modify an IPv4 or IPv6 network:

  1. From the Data Management tab, Data Management tab, select the DHCP tab> select the Networks tab, select the IPv4 or IPv6 network from the panel.

  2. Select IPv4 or IPv6 network and click edit, IPv4 or IPv6 editor opens:

    • Address: Displays the network address. You cannot modify this field.

    • Netmask: Displays the netmask of the network as you resize the network. You cannot modify this field.

    • Comment: Modify the information about the network address.

    • Disable: You can disable and enable existing networks instead of removing them from the database.

    • Grid: Displays the Grid to which the network belongs. You cannot modify this field.

    • Network View: The network view to which the network belongs to in the sub grid. You cannot modify this field.

    • Extensible Attributes: Modify extensible attributes as described in Entering Extensible Attribute Values.

    • Permissions: Modify the permissions of the network as described in Modifying Permissions.

    • To schedule this task, click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard. In the Schedule Change panel, click Later, and then specify a date, time, and time zone.

  3. Save the configuration.


Viewing Network Details

You can view detailed information about a specific network by clicking the network link. Multi-Grid Manager displays the objects in the network, including DHCP ranges, hosts, fixed addresses and roaming hosts. It displays the following information about the network:

  • IP Address: The IP address of a DHCP object, such as a DHCP range, fixed address, reservation, host configured for DHCP, or roaming host with an allocated IP address. For a DHCP range, this field displays the start and end addresses of the range. For a host that has multiple IP addresses, each IP address is displayed separately. Note that the appliance highlights all disabled DHCP objects in gray.

  • Type: The DHCP object type, such as DHCP Range or Fixed Address.

  • Grid: The name of the Grid managed by the Multi-Grid Manager.

  • Network View: The network view to which the network belongs.

  • MAC address: The MAC address of the DHCP client that received the lease for an IPv4 address.

  • Name: The object name. For example, if the IP address belongs to a host record, this field displays the host name.

  • Comment: The information you entered for the object.

  • DHCP Utilization: The percentage of the total DHCP usage of a DHCP range. This is the percentage of the total number of fixed addresses, reservations, hosts, and active leases in the DHCP range divided by the total IP addresses in the range, excluding the number of addresses in the exclusion ranges. Note that only enabled objects are included in the calculation. It does not include abandoned addresses or leases.

  • Site: The site to which the DHCP object belongs. This is one of the predefined extensible attributes.

  • Disabled: Indicates whether the network object is disabled.

  • Available extensible attributes.

Modifying Network Objects

You can only modify the comments and extensible attributes. To modify an IPv4 or IPv6 network:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the DHCP tab -> Networks tab -> Networks section -> Drill down to the network.

  2. Select any network: (Host, Fixed Address, Reservation (applicable for IPv4), DHCP and Reserved Range) click edit icon.

  3. In the General tab:

    • IP Address: Displays the network address. You cannot modify this field.

    • Comment: Modify the information about the network address.

  4. Exclusion Ranges: You can view the exclusion range of IP addresses that are reserved for statically configured hosts. You can view the start address, end address and comment.
    Note that this tab is available only for IPv4 or IPv6 Reserved Range and DHCP Range.

  5. Extensible Attributes: Modify extensible attributes as described in Entering Extensible Attribute Values.

  6. To schedule this task, click the Schedule icon at the top of the wizard. In the Schedule Change panel, click Later, and then specify a date, time, and time zone.

  7. Save the configuration.


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