Viewing and Managing IPv4 Addresses

Viewing and Managing IPv4 Addresses

In Multi-Grid Manager, you can view and manage IPv4 address data in the IP Map and List panels. Multi-Grid Manager displays the IP Map and List panels for a specific network after you navigate through the network hierarchy, or when the selected network does not have subnets under it.


The IPv4 Map panel provides a graphical representation of all IPv4 addresses in a given subnet. IP Map displays cells that represent IPv4 addresses. Each cell in the map represents an IPv4 address, and its color indicates its status as described in the legend section.

Each IP Map panel can accommodate up to 256 cells with each cell representing an IP address. If a given network has more than 256 addresses, additional IP addresses are displayed by paging to the next page. You can use the page navigation buttons to page through the IP addresses. To go to a specific IP address, you can enter the IP address in the Go to field or click a specific cell in IP Map. IP Map has a basic and an advanced view. You can toggle between these views by clicking Toggle Basic View or Toggle Advanced View. As illustrated in the figure IP Map - Advanced View below, the status of an IP address is represented with a different color in the IP Map panel.

In the basic view, the IP Map panel displays the following IP address status:

  • Unused: An IP address that has not been detected and is not associated with any network device or active host on the network.

  • Conflict: An IP address that has either a MAC address conflict or a DHCP lease conflict detected through a network discovery.

  • Used: An IP address that is associated with an active host on the network. It can be a resource record, fixed address, reservation, DHCP lease, or host record.

  • Unmanaged: An IP address that has a discovered host, is not previously known to the appliance, and does not have an A record, a PTR record, fixed address, host address, lease, or is not within a DHCP range.

  • Fixed Address/Reservation: A host that is either a fixed address or reservation.

  • DNS Object: An object that is configured for DNS usage. Note that the DNS Object is displayed only if it is synchronized with Multi-Grid Manager.

  • Host Not in DNS/DHCP: An IP address that is associated with a host record, but is not configured for DHCP or DNS services.

  • Active Lease: An IP Address that has an active DHCP lease.

  • Selected IP Address: The IP address that you selected.

  • DHCP Range: The IP addresses within a DHCP range in the network. The appliance highlights the cells using a green background.

  • DHCP Exclusion Range: A range of IP addresses within a DHCP range. The appliance cannot assign addresses in the exclusion range to a client. You can use these addresses as static IP addresses. This prevents address conflicts between statically configured devices and dynamically configured devices.
    Note that for a Microsoft split-scope range, the appliance highlights the cells using a combination of orange and pink background colors when the network is managed by two Microsoft servers. For a DHCP exclusion range, the appliance highlights the cells using an orange background.

  • Reserved Range: A range of IP addresses that are reserved for statically configured hosts. They are not served as dynamic addresses. You can allocate the next available IP from the reserved range when you create a static host.

  • Reserved Exclusion Range: A range of IP addresses that are reserved for statically configured hosts. IP addresses residing within the exclusion range are excluded from the pool of available IP addresses and are not available for lease.


In the advanced view, the IP Map panel displays additional status as follows:

  • Unused: An IP address that has not been detected and is not associated with any network device or active host on the network.

  • Conflict: An IP address that has either a MAC address conflict or a DHCP lease conflict detected through a network discovery.

  • Used: An IP address that is associated with an active host on the network. It can be a resource record, fixed address, reservation, DHCP lease, or host record.

  • Selected IP Address: The IP address that you selected.

  • DHCP Range: The IP addresses within a DHCP range in the network. The appliance highlights the cells using a green background.

  • Reserved Range: A range of IP addresses that are reserved for statically configured hosts. They are not served as dynamic addresses.

Under the IP map, Multi-Grid Manager displays the following information for the IP address that you have selected in the map:

  • Type: The object type that is associated with the IP address. For example, this can be Lease, IPv4 DHCP Range or Fixed Address.

  • Comment: Additional information about the IP address.

  • Lease State: The lease state of the IP address. This state can be active or static.

  • Name: The name of the object type associated with the IP address. This field displays the name of the object type in the native character set if a host record contains IDNs. If a host record contains IDNs in punycode, this field displays the name in the punycode representation. For example, if the IP address belongs to a host record, this field displays the hostname. For IDNs, this field displays the name in the native character set. If punycode is used, then the appliance displays name in punycode.

  • MAC Address: The discovered MAC address of the host.

  • DHCP Fingerprint: The name of the DHCP fingerprint or vendor ID of the network device that was identified through DHCP fingerprint detection. This field displays No Match for devices that do not have any DHCP fingerprint information.

IP Address List

The IP address List panel displays all IPv4 addresses of a selected subnet in table format. The list provides information about the IP addresses in a hierarchy view. You can use this list to view detailed information about each IP address and its related objects in a selected network. This list provides information such as address status, object type, and usage.

You can configure filter criteria to display only IP addresses that you want to see in the table. For example, you can enter "MAC Address begins with 00" as the filter criteria to view only IP addresses that have associated MAC addresses that begin with 00. You can also enter a specific IP address in the Go to field to view information about the address.

Multi-Grid Manager can display the following information for the IP addresses. You can edit the columns to display information that is not shown by default.

  • IP Address: The IP address of the corresponding record. The appliance highlights disabled DHCP objects in gray. A DHCP object can be an DHCP address range, fixed address, reservation, host configured for DHCP, or roaming host with an allocated IP address.

  • Name: The name of the object type associated with the IP address. For example, if the IP address belongs to a host record, this field displays the hostname.

  • MAC Address: The discovered MAC address of the host.

  • Status: The current status of the corresponding record. This can be Used or Unused.

  • DHCP Client Identifier: For an IPv4 address, the DHCP Unique Identifier of the host.(Only for IP v4)

  • Type: The object type that is associated with the IP address. For example, this can be BroadcastLease, IPv4 DHCP Range or Fixed Address.

  • Usage: Indicates whether the IP address is configured for DNS or DHCP.

  • Comment: Additional information about the IP address.

  • Fingerprint: The name of the DHCP fingerprint or vendor ID of the network device that was identified through DHCP fingerprint detection. This field displays No Match for devices that do not have any DHCP fingerprint information.

  • Site: The site to which the IP address belongs. This is a predefined extensible attribute.

  • Disabled (hidden): Indicates whether the DHCP or DNS record is disabled.

For an IP address that falls within a DHCP range, Multi-Grid Manager displays extensible attribute values for the DHCP range and fixed address or host record. When you view the same IP address in the DHCP tab however, Multi-Grid Manager displays only the extensible attribute values associated with the fixed address or host record, but not the DHCP range. For example, when you define extensible attribute State with the value California for DHCP range –, and then define extensible attribute State with the value of Alaska for fixed address, Multi-Grid Manager displays both California and Alaska in the State field for IP address in the IP Address List view. However, when you view from the DHCP tab, the State field displays Alaska only.

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