Viewing IPv4 and IPv6 Networks

Viewing IPv4 and IPv6 Networks

In Multi-Grid Manager, you use the IPv4 and IPv6 network Map and List panels to view and manage the network infrastructure of your entire enterprise. By default, the Map panel provides a graphical view of all your networks in all the managed Grids. You can also select specific Grids to view their networks and then create a custom map of the view and save it for future use. The network list is an alternative view of the network hierarchy of the Grids that are managed by the Master Grid. It displays all networks of all Grids in table format.
You can always switch your view of the network infrastructure between the Map and List panels. For information about each panel, see IPv4 and IPv6 Network Maps and IPv4 and IPv6 Lists.

IPv4 and IPv6 Network Maps

The IPv4 and IPv6 network maps provide a high-level view of the respective networks of the Grids that are managed by the Master Grid. You can use network maps to design and plan your network infrastructure, configure and manage individual networks, and evaluate their utilization. The maps provide an overview of the network spaces of the managed Grids so you can evaluate the number of networks each Grid has, their relative sizes, and the network spaces you have left for each Grid. You can also access individual Grids through Multi-Grid Manager and use IPAM to manage IP addresses for each Grid. For information about IPAM, refer to the Infoblox NIOS Administrator Guide.
The IPv4 and IPv6 maps display network spaces across a maximum of eight rows, depending on the sizes of the networks. Multi-Grid Manager automatically scales the maps so that they can display all networks of all Grids in your enterprise. You can also identify overlapped networks across multiple Grids as well as multiple smaller networks. Based on the information, you can decide whether to add and delegate a network to a managed Grid or resize a network. You can also customize the map to display only the networks of the Grids that you select or manage, and then save the map for future use.

Depending on the size of the networks, the maps display network blocks in their respective colors across multiple rows. The color-coded network blocks are defined as follows:

  • Network blocks that belong to a specific Grid are displayed in the same color so you can quickly identify the networks that belong to the same Grid.

  • Overlapped networks across multiple Grids are displayed in a black and white color pattern.

  • Very small and multiple networks are displayed in a red dotted bar.

By default, the appliance automatically selects a network color for each Grid. To change the color, click the color box next to the Grid name, and then select a color from the chart. The appliance changes the color of all corresponding network blocks based on your selection.
As illustrated in following figure, the IPv4 Map panel presents a complete view of the entire network space of all managed Grids, including the different types of networks that are in it and their unused address spaces. Each color-coded block represents a network block, overlapped networks, or a block of networks that are too small to be displayed individually in the map. For example, in a /8 or /16 network, networks smaller than /20 or /28 respectively and that are beside each other are represented as a multiple network block. Therefore, you can quickly evaluate how many and what type of networks are in your Grids, their relative sizes, utilization, and how much space you have left.
As you mouse over areas of the map, Multi-Grid Manager displays network information about the area. The Map panel also has a zoom feature that allows you to enlarge or reduce your view of a particular area.

Figure 7.2 IPv4 Network Map

Displaying Network Information
As shown in the previous illustration, you can get more information about a network block by hovering your mouse over a network block. A tooltip displays the following information about the network:

  • The network address and netmask

  • The name of the managed Grid

  • The network view to which the network address belongs

The tooltip also display an Access icon. When you click the Access icon, you can access the Grid to which the network belongs. If you have configured user validation to this Grid, you can access this Grid without logging in to the Grid. For information about SSO, see Viewing Validated Users.

Zooming In and Out

Use the zoom function to enlarge and reduce your view of a selected network area. When you zoom in on an area until it reaches the last possible zoom level, the Zoom In icon in the task bar is disabled. After you zoom in on an area, you can click the Zoom Controller icon to track where you have zoomed in. The Zoom Controller lists all the areas that you zoomed in and updates its list dynamically. You can click an item on the list to view that area again. Click the Zoom Controller again to close it.
To zoom in to a selected network block:

  1. Click the Zoom In icon in the task bar.

  2. In the map, select a starting point and drag to the end point. The starting point can be anywhere in the map. It does not have to be at the beginning of a network. Release the mouse button when you reach the end point.

The map displays a magnified view of the selected area after you release the mouse button. As you mouse over the zoomed in area, the tooltip displays IP information about it.
You can do the following after you zoom in to a network block:

  • Select an area and zoom in again.

  • Select a network and click the Edit icon to edit its properties.

  • Click the Zoom Out icon to zoom out of the current network. Each time you click the zoom out icon, the map zooms out one level and the Zoom Controller is updated accordingly.

  • If you want to access the Grid to which the network belongs, click the Access icon in the tooltip. You can access the GUI of the Grid through a separate browser. You do not need to enter user credentials to log in to the Grid if you have configured user validation for SSO.

Managing Custom Network Maps

You can create new custom network maps by selecting specific Grids and network views so Multi-Grid Manager displays only the networks of the selected Grids and network views. By default, Multi-Grid Manager selects all managed Grids and network views and displays all the networks. You can do the following about network maps:

  • Create new network maps: You can select the checkboxes of the Grids and network views you want Multi-Grid Manager to display, and then click Save as next to the Custom Map drop-down list to create a new custom map.

  • Update existing maps: After you create a custom map, you can change the map by adding or deleting specific Grids and network views, and then save the changes.

  • Delete existing maps: You can select a specific custom map and delete it. To create a new custom network map:

  1. From the Data Management tab, select the IPv4 or IPv6 Map panel.

  2. Select the Grids and network views you want to include in the map view, and then click Save as.

  3. In the Save Custom Map dialog box, do the following:

    • Custom Map Name: Enter the name of the custom map.

    • Set as a global custom map: Select this to make this map globally available to all users.

  4. Save the configuration.

To update an existing map:

  1. From the Custom Map drop-down list, select the map you want to update. Multi-Grid Manager displays the networks of the custom map.

  2. Make changes by adding or deleting Grids and network views, and then click Save.

  3. In the Save Custom Map dialog box, select Set as a global custom map if you want to make this map globally available to all users. Otherwise, click Yes to save the changes to the selected map. If you click No, you can save the changes as another custom map. Multi-Grid Manager keeps the current map and add another map with the changes you just made.

  4. Save the configuration.

To delete a custom map:

  1. From the Custom Map drop-down list, select the map you want to delete, and then click Delete.

  2. In the Delete Confirmation Custom Map dialog box, click Yes. Multi-Grid Manager deletes the selected map.

Performing Other Tasks in Map Panels

From the Map panels, you can do the following:

IPv4 and IPv6 Network Lists

The IPv4 and IPv6 network lists are alternate views of the network hierarchies managed by the Master Grid. By default, the List panels display all networks of all Grids in table format. A network list displays only the first-level network blocks. It does not show further descendant or network containers. When select and open a network block from the List panel, you can view its child networks by accessing its corresponding Grid. Multi-Grid Manager opens a separate browser from which you can access the Grid.
If the number of networks exceeds the maximum page size of the table, this panel displays the information on multiple pages. You can use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the table to navigate through the pages of networks.
This panel displays the following information:

  • Network: The network address and netmask.

  • Grid: The name of the Grid managed by the Master Grid, or the Grid to which the network block belongs.

  • Network View: The network view to which the network block belongs.

  • Comment: Information about the network block.

  • IPAM Utilization: When you define a network, this is the percentage based on the IP addresses in use divided by the total addresses in the network. For example, in a /24 network, if there are 25 static IP addresses defined and a DHCP range that includes 100 addresses, the total number of IP addresses in use is 125. Of the possible 256 addresses in the network, the IPAM utilization is about 50% for this network. When you define a network container that contains subnets, this is the percentage of the total address space defined within the container regardless of whether any of the IP addresses in the subnets are in use. For example, when you define a /16 network and then 64 /24 networks underneath it, the /16 network container is considered 25% utilized even when none of the IP addresses in the /24 networks is in use.

  • Site: The value entered for this pre-defined attribute.

You can select all available extensible attributes of each Grid for display. You can also use filters to filter the network list so it displays only the networks you want to see. For example, you can enter "Network Block begins with 7.0" as the filter criteria to view only the network addresses that begin with 7.0. Note that extensible attributes are those with a gray background in the list of available filter fields.

Filtering Network Lists

You can filter the network list so it displays only the networks you want to see. You can filter the list based on certain parameters, such as network blocks, comments, or any available extensible attributes. When you expand the list of available fields you can use for the filter, the extensible attributes are those with a gray background.
You can also create a quick filter to save frequently used filter criteria, as follows:

  1. In the filter section, click Show Filter and define filter criteria for the quick filter.

  2. Click Save and complete the configuration In the Save Quick Filter dialog box.
    The appliance adds the quick filter to the quick filter drop-down list in the panel. Note that global filters are prefixed with [G], local filters with [L], and system filters with [S].

Performing Other Tasks in List Panels

You can do the following in this panel:

  • Add a new IPv4 network and delegate it to a Grid or Grids, as described in Adding IPv4 and IPv6 Networks.

  • Modify some of the data in the table. Double click a row of data, and either edit the data in the field or select an item from a drop-down list. Note that some fields are read-only. For more information about this feature, see Modifying Data in Tables.

  • Sort the list of networks in ascending or descending order by column.

  • Print and export the data in this panel.

  • Click the Refresh icon to refresh the List view.

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