Downloading Support Bundles

Downloading Support Bundles

When you need assistance troubleshooting an appliance, you can log in to the appliance as a superuser, download the support bundle of the appliance, and then send it to Infoblox Technical Support for analysis. A support bundle is a tar.gz file that contains configuration files and the appliance system files. You can download a support bundle for each member in the Master Grid. When you download a support bundle for an HA pair, it includes the files of both nodes in the HA pair.
By default, the appliance includes the following files in the support bundle: core files, current logs, and rotated logs. Because core files can be quite large and take a significant amount of time to download, Infoblox recommends that you include core files in the support bundle only when requested by Infoblox Technical Support.
To download a support bundle:

  1. From the Master Grid tab, select the Members tab -> member checkbox, and then click Download -> Support Bundle from the Toolbar.
  2. In the Download Support Bundle dialog box, select the files you want to include in the support bundle, and then click OK:
    • Core Files: Infoblox recommends that you include these files only when requested by Infoblox Technical Support.
    • Current Logs: Infoblox recommends that you always include these files in the support bundle.
    • Rotated Logs: These are rotated logs that contain historical information.
  3. Navigate to the location you want to save the file and change the file name. Do not change the .tar.gz file extension in the file name.
  4. Send this file to Infoblox Technical Support.

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